So I finally got my arse on here after months of swearing it would never happen….well this modern world will get us all in the end!
I’m Mark, 25 and I work for a small insurance firm….God that sounds boring doesn’t it! Honestly people it’s not that bad!
I like to get out and about and have a few drinks with my mates as well as playing bass…very badly!
what is your name? Mark
when is your birthday? 16/03/83
where do you live? In my flat!
do you like living there? Yer, it's my pit!
what school do you go to? Milston Grange a long long time ago!
who is your best friend? Pete
who is your (current/last) boyfriend/girlfriend? Paula
do you think you are/were in love with them? Hmmm, dunno
are you straight or gay or bi or what? Straight
do you get along with your parents? Yer, they're ace!
what kind of music do you like? Mod, Indie, Soul....anything good
what is your favorite band? I would say the Who
what kind of music do you hate? Punk, Cheese and chart crap, it has no soul!
what is the craziest thing you have ever done?
what do you regret the most? No regrets...yet
have you ever gotten drunk? NEVER! Just very merry!
what is your AIM screen name? Mark, clever aren't I?
what color are your eyes? Brown though I have been told green?
what color is your hair? Brown
what do you like the most about yourself? I'm a good lad!
what do you hate the most about yourself? I only open my mouth to change feet...I say the wrong things all the time!
what is your favorite movie? Err I would say Performance or Star Wars
what is your favorite song? Any 60/70's Who stuff. The kids are alright maybe.
what is your favorite non-alcoholic drink? TEA
what is your favorite alcoholic drink? LARGER!
peanut butter and jelly or fluff? Eh?
what time is it right now? Dinner Time
do you have a life? I certainly hope so!
do you consider yourself depressed? No
are you more like a prep or goth? Neither!
what is your favorite color? Blue
are you annoyed at how random these questions are? A little
are you a virgin? Jesus no
did you answer that honestly? yes
how tall are you? 6ft ish
do you want kids? One day
do you believe in god? Not really
have you ever done cocaine? No
have you ever tried committing suicide? well if I did, I clearly failed!
have you ever intentionally hurt yourself? No
do you get along with your best friend's boyfriend/girlfriend? He doesn't have one
do you have any piercings/tatoos? No Sir
do you want any piercings/tatoos? No thanks, not my bag!
what shoe size are you? 10
do you have any siblings? Yes, and he's a big fat pain in the arse!
do you have any kids? Not that I know of **boom boom**
ever been pregnant? I've had a few scares :-p
ever gotten your girlfriend pregnant? Nope
what is the last thing you bought? A cheese salad sandwich
who was the last person you called? Pete
who was the last person that called you? Me Mum probably!
have you ever skipped school? Did a few times back in the day
how many times? As above
do you write in cursive or print? Ey?
do you feel naked without eyeliner? lol, ohh yer can't leave the house with out it!
do you like rollercoasters? Yer!
have you ever driven drunk? No, and if i drove sober i probably wouldn't be much better at it!
have you ever been in a car with the person driving drunk? Hope not
have you ever lied to someone? I guess so!
have you ever set yourself on fire? Not intensionaly
have you ever been in a fist fight? more like hand bags at 10 paces
have you ever been shot? no but given where I live it's only a matter of time
have you ever been stabbed? As above
what shoes do you wear? Winkle Pickers and converse
do you have ADD? ?
do you have ADHD? ?
do you have OCD? ?
have you ever puked on purpose? No
how many hearts have you broken? Millions!
how many times has your heart been broken? I have replaced it with a swinging brick!
do you think your good looking? I'm ok
what is your favorite candy? You mean sweets you American ponce! And Sherbert!
what do your bedsheets look like? Black
do you like summer or winter better? Summer
how many countries have you been to? 3 or 4? I think.
in your last relationship, how did you break up? Messily
who was the last person other than you to sleep in your bed? Bruce(Petes dog)
do you believe in love at first sight? I think that's more like,"Lust"
do you have braces? Only the elastic type
do you have glasses? No
what makes you happy? Music
what makes you upset? Bad Music
do you think people who are white that think they're black are hot? you be pretty cluless to get your own colour wrong
do you have any pets? No, I am like an adoptive father to Bruce though
what was the last thing you ate? Cheese Salad sarni
if you add up all of the digits in your phone number, what do you get? As if I'm going to do that!
are you glad this is fucking over? YES!
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