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Born October 6,1986 in Columbus, Ohio, to wonderful parents Willena and Melvin Jackson. Mellena Jackson aka Mz. Gotti aka Mena J was the youngest of four siblings growing up on the Southside of Columbus. Mz Gotti got her first taste of music at the age of five when she and her brother Melvin Jr. had their first karaoke machine making home video’s singing and rapping their favorite songs. The death of her grandmother Marva Buttrum made her turn to poetry. At the age of seven Mz Gotti had a incident that caused her to lose her memory. Starting all over she began to rap. As a young girl taking trips with the family to New York, Chicago, Virginia, Alabama, Florida, Georgia, and Hawaii, made her want to see more of the world. At the age of nine Mz Gotti’s parents separated dramatically changing her life and view thereof. Moving to Indiana with her mother and siblings the change had a domino effect on her lifestyle. Going from never wanting for anything to being in a more budget conscious household was a big adjustment. Mz Gotti continued to thrive in school as an honor roll student while fighting to earn respect in a rough neighborhood. At the age of twelve she moved back to Columbus and lost her love for music. Being more focused on poetry and making money, at the end of that year her family moved again this time to South Carolina. Being so far away from home and her ‘hood’ Mz Gotti became rebellious and resentful. Mz Gotti started rapping again to escape and help kill the home sickness. Still the rebellious side of her won out and Mz Gotti started seeing more trouble including being involved with selling drugs, fighting, gangs and trouble with the law. All of these experiences Mz Gotti used to channel more energy into rapping and began to participate in rap battles under the name of Lady Tiger. Garnering her stripes and paying many dues the ‘hood’ crowned her Mz Gotti. At age of sixteen Mz Gotti moved back to Columbus, graduated from high school and got serious about her music doing shows in New York, Atlanta, California and at home in the C.O.. Mz Gotti has been a part of numerous groups and is now a solo artist. Now known as the Queen of Ohio to her fans and many of her peers Mz Gotti is aggressively working on honing her skills. This is evident in her first solo project Hard Candy released in October 2008. If you ask Mz Gotti who she is she will simply tell you…â€I am my music and my music is me. I’m working a million times harder than the average beast because I want to take over the world with my music…and I will….†-DENISE WALLS***MZ F.N.G.M***IM EVERYWHERE...UR NEVER THERE!!!!!!!!!!!! stars layout powered by HOT / MyHotComments stars layout powered by HOT / MyHotComments
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