The cultered american! whats more fucked up. The fact that americans are som of the most ignerant, racest, dumb, and in all the most fucked up way closed minded to all things, or that thier pound of it.Most know they stupid mother-fuckers. I know I cant spell but i try. What the hell happened. More people i meet not all.But most cant even mentelly understand why they should hold a door for a women or a older person. that's fucked up y'll. It's not because they cant do it them selfs,i love women (moms,your mom,sisters,aunts,daughters,and most all have them,and we all get old)so show some dam appreshation! or at the dam lest hold the dam door!
Any thing that takes some Dam effort, Not some bullshit! Or the stuff that just got scribbaled out I dont want to hear no rough draft,No 2nd grade D- JAM. Its not hard to be crative! Open your dam mind and maybe a muse might fly in.Get Your Own! | View Slideshow
Religon & Politics are not "words that must not be said",They are things that belong in any converation.To leave out the things that are involed in the day to day life of each and every one of us is just idioic.This well only add more carogin to the once injoyable past time of conversation. An art long forgotten and now ridaculed for some how dont shut up. Most find it fun to piss off pepole never getting any new knowledge from the incounter. Foggeting the point of conversing and taking the lug head roll of felling satisfaction of learn nothing.