joe profile picture



About Me

I LOVE: F♥YE!!!!!!!!!kate(despite her constantly bullying me), lizzie, susie, libby, My friends, myself, family,chocolate (anything sweet), soul, jazz, blues, stevie wonder, Arsenal, cricket, golf, curry, chinese, red wine, apple juice, lemonade, the person i fancy (obviously), futurama, the simpsons, brighton, london, the sun, the beach and sea, swimming, water, air, furry things, shiny things, the colour red, having cereal when i get back from school, the internet, liv tyler, lucy liu, mischa barton, angelina jolie, beyonce, scarlett johansson, helen hunt, animals, geography and history, arguements but nothing physical as i am a wimp lol.I HATE: My enemys, myself, family, the french (joking), laughing till it hurts, being cold so that my toes and fingers hurt, being too hot, having to were school uniform, do subjects i dont want to at school ie. RE, idiots, cigarettes, people who dont clean up their dogs poop, sharks, salt, pepper, most trevs. MyGen Profile Generator

My Interests

Soul, jazz and blues music, football, cricket, television, film, books, humanities, GIRLS, singing, swimming, going on holidays, journalism, hanging round with friends, goignt o the cinema, food and drink (mainly alcoholic), telling jokes and being my usual funny self, nitching bout people, comebacks, the girl i fancy, angelina, scarlett and mischa B.

I'd like to meet:

Stevie wonder, ray charles(if he wasnt six feet under), dennis bergkamp, thierry henry, god, the devil, nelson mandella, bill bailey, homer simpson, the fattest man on the planet, tim robbins, jeremy irons, alan rickman, bruce willis, morgan freeman, angelina jolie;) lol, my one true love (what a loada crap lol), the mn that invented the dish washer and the man who invented the microwave, an alien.


Stevie wonder, ray charles, bill withers, percy sledge, aretha franklin, michael jackson, luther vandross, sam and dave, martha reeves, smokey robinson, miles davis, sam cooke, james brown, solomon burke, the supremes, the brothers johnson, shuggie otis, sly and the family, the four tops, marvin gaye, the temptations, dianna ross, cassandra wilson, lionel ritchie, gladys knight, prince.


The shawshank redemption, la confidential, blade runner, last boy scout, unbreakble die hard one and three (two was so bad it almost made me cry), braveheart, star wars only ol ones, indiana jones trilogy, monty python series lol, green mile, jurassic park 1, jaws 1, lion king, jungle book, rush hour, most jackie chan movies or any jet li films.


any old crap really, whatever is on, simpsons, futurama, brainiac, the bill, hollyoaks lol, match of the day, nip tuck, lost, samurai jack, football or cricket when on, dont really watch much telly i would much rather be out with friends!


The lord of the rings trilogy, harry potter, private peaceful, artemis fowl series, across the nightingale floor, the hitch hikers guide to the galaxy books.


Stevie wonder, nelson mandela, dennis bergkamp, bobby moore, parents, friends, people who stand out, martin luther king, people who are them selves and arent afraid of it, individuals, gandhi, ray charles, thierry henry, david seaman, every day heroes; firemen, policemen, paramedics, dotors and nurses.