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I am here for Friends and Networking

About Me

My family moved to California from Texas, when I was almost eight years old, this really took some getting used to, changing from the country to the city way of life. As it turned out, I had the best bunch of friends anyone could wish to grow up with. The area was pretty small, everyone knew each other one way or another. In school,I played on all the sports teams, played Alto Sax, in three bands, and sang in the choir. Fun, oh yeah, we always had fun, if there was something going on, I was in the middle or near by. I had mostly the same friends, from grammar school through high school graduation, and we had party after party, which kept us even closer. I now work in the same area where I grew up five days a week, each time I see a teen or young adult, it brings a smile to my face, as I'm sure I was friends with their mother, or father, older sister or brother, perhaps their aunts or uncles, and the parties and memories, I must share with their relatives, are a huge part of my life. There's a High School Reunion being planned for the summer of 2007, for everyone who ever graduated from my old High School, what a party this is going to be. I can hardly wait to reunite with old friends and share life experiences and family pictures, even tattoo's, as I now have twenty seven that I can share,(and one I'll keep to myself). Over the years I have traveled through almost every state in the US, living for short periods of time in Washington, Texas,and several cities on the West Coast, before I settled back in the area to be near my parents. I now have four grown children, three wonderful sons, and a beautiful daughter, who are my best friends. They have blessed me with ten grandchildren, number eleven due in October, also added two step grandchildren this year, and recently found out, at my young age, I will be a great-grandmother the first of March, now wasn't this a shocker, (LOL) , but, the little bundle will be met with loving, open arms. I have my kids fooled, they think the more kids they give me, the older I will feel, NOPE, not me, the more the merrier, and the younger it makes me feel each time a new one arrives! My kids grew up in with a vast mixture of friends from almost every race, they learned real young not to discriminate, or to judge others, rather it be their skin color, or their parents financial situation. For years, my house was never quiet or empty of excitement from all my kids and their friends, it was a place to just hang out for a great bunch of kids, who are all now, wonderful young adults, most with their own families. Since I'm from the baby boomer era, I've been around a few blocks, done most everything at least once, and the good things twice. I've learned to do the important things till I get them right!! Age is only a number, therefore, if I didn't know the year I was born, I would assume I was under thirty, as my heart is passionate, my mind is still gaining important knowledge, and my sex drive increases day by day!( I think this is a good thing! ) I have always related much better to people younger than myself, as they seem to be much more stimulating, and their ideas and goals, are the future for my grandchildren. I lost my mother this Feb.,which has devastated me, we were very close, in the mean time, my father had been battling Cancer, thank God, it's in remission for the time being. My daughter, the wonderful, unselfish person she is, gave up her own home and private life, and moved herself and her two children in with my father(her grandfather), to help him financially, as well as physically, so he wouldn't have to sell his home and be moved to a nursing home or senior complex. He has been through so much losing his wife of fifty five years, and fighting Cancer, losing his home could have very well ended his life. I stay with my dad and two grandchildren throughout the day, when my daughter gets off work, she relieves me, and I head home for the night, we are so lucky to have her in our lives. This is why I have stated how very important family is in our lives.

My Interests

I just lost my mother Feb.2,2006, therefore, I've placed the butterfly above,this is to signify her freedom from her pain and suffering, and the beautiful after life she's now enjoying!Life would be empty without family and friends, I spend as much time as possible with both. I love most all sports, and have coached Soccer, Basketball, Softball, Little League and Football, while my kids were growing up. I really enjoy watching the Ultimate Fighting, as contact sports are my favorite. I enjoy the outdoors, camping, fishing, a walk on the beach, or a hike in the mountains. Nature is a mystery and so beautiful, we should take in all we can, as Tim McGraw says, live like you are dying, and, take time to appreciate life and the freedom we have to do so.

I'd like to meet:

I'd like to connect with people from any culture, people with different passions in life, of all ages, as thoughts, dreams, and conversations, are as stimulating with someone twenty, as with someone who is eighty. I'd like to connect with people who "DO NOT", spend all their time and energy, trying to make other's lives miserable, with nothing more to offer than negative thoughts, rather it be from jealousy, or a plain lack of intelligence, and lack of quality in their own lives."


Music, what would life be without music, pretty boring I would think, when I'm alone in my truck or home, I have music playing, it gives me a feeling of inner peace, each song has a memory from the past or one in the making. Being a teen in the sixties, I love all the Motown Sound, Temptations, Aretha Franklin, Smokey Robinson, Gladys Knight, they're all great, yet, from having teens in the eighties and ninties, I learned to enjoy some of the rap music even though the language isn't the best! Then, you have to give it for some of the great Country artists, like Merle Haggard, Willie Nelson, Alabama, George Strait and Alan Jackson.


Has to be a comedy, Forrest Gump, The Jerk, Christmas With The Kranks, anything to make me laugh!


I like the reality shows, Survivor, American Idol, The Apprentice, Deal or No Deal, shows with real people with life changing choices and consequences.


The one book I have read that has stuck with me is, When Rabbit Howls! It's about a young woman who was abused growing up, and how she dealt with the abuse as a child and then as an adult! I also enjoyed Oprah's life story, and have read some true crime stories that were interesting, most of the above I read several years ago, I don't seem to find time with all my kids and grandkids, to sit down with a book to relax.


Life's a beautiful ride, with my sons and daughter by my side!

My Blog


1. People who point at their wrist watch when asking for the time,     Do I point at my crotch when I ask where the restroom is? 2. People who are willing to get off their ass to searc...
Posted by 1SherBear on Fri, 06 Oct 2006 04:37:00 PST


"GRANDCHILDREN" You know God saved the best for last, It is his gift from heaven above; He sends them down on angel's wings, In little tiny bundles of love. The sweetest to...
Posted by 1SherBear on Wed, 04 Oct 2006 10:57:00 PST

"To My Children"

I turned around one day And you were all grown I thought you four would be there For just one more song One more game of hide n' seek One more time to watch you each sleep Where are all those days...
Posted by 1SherBear on Wed, 20 Sep 2006 03:16:00 PST

"My Mother, My Hero"

I would have to say, other than my own four children and my grandchildren, my mother was the single greatest blessing I've ever received!  Her love for her family, and Country Western Music, were...
Posted by 1SherBear on Sat, 16 Sep 2006 03:26:00 PST