ANTHONY SCAVONE profile picture


On MY Space you can give me an acting gig AND draw on my face at the same time!

About Me

Currently I am bicoastal and have home in CA as well as my apartment in NYC. I am passionate about my career, take direction well, am a quick study and enjoy creating in all mediums of the performing arts. I have been trained in improvisation, vocal performance, acting for the theatre as well as film and television. I have been very fortunate to have made a living by performing and consider myself very lucky considering the competitive nature of the business. Here is some business information you may be interested or bored in reading: Union Affilliations: AEA - SAG - AGVA - AFTRA, TV Film and Theatre I have done will be under the "Anthony's Interests", TV and Film section, respectively. My training (I am always training and looking to better my craft) Acting Television & Film Acting Workshop, Denny Albee (Key Student & Assistant), American Academy of Dramatic Arts, Commercial/Soap Technique & Audition Experience,Collier Casting; Southern Connecticut State University, Zen for acting with Jay Ingram Voice: Joan Wilkerson, Patrick Holland, Dr. Jack Litten. Dance: Connie Dickmeyer, Wilfred Schuman, Leo Muller. Improvisation: Katha Feffer Cato. And lastly some... Ahem... "Special" skills... Drivers License, Car owner, Improvisation, Spin Eyes, Wiggle Ears, Character Voices, Owner of an Eclectus Parrot, Produced Playwright (Hello Boobie & Absolutely Mama), Able to ~ subliminally ~ make entertainment professionals aware of their innermost feelings, Card Player, ~ Contact him ~ Takes Excellent Direction, Work very well with children and domestic animals, ~ This guy can act! ~ Cooking, Can leap small buildings in a single bound, ~ Money.. He will make me money ~ Dialects on request. ~ Mustcontacthim now!~~..

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My Interests

Some Broadway and Off Broadway house and Regional Theatre performances: Looking For The Pony, Radio Pieces, Off the Strip, Almost Eden, Mandela! (NAMT), Reflection of Evil, Cheap Sunglasses, Dancing at Lughnasa, Schmulniks Waltz, Drood, 110 in the Shade, Baby, Odd Couple (Female Version). Dinner Theater and Cabaret: Somethings Afoot, Fiddler on the Roof, 7 Month Contract S/S Britanis. Theatre for Young Audiences: Happy Times Theatre ( Member), Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles I & II, Toy Fairs / NYC Licensing Shows, Improvisational Characters and Walk Arounds. Live Action Performer for: SLM-Buddy L. Toys, Happiness Express, 20th Century Fox, United Media Marvel Comics (SPIDERMAN & Captain America),Those Characters from Cleveland, American Greetings, Hasbro, Mirage, PBS Some Comedy and Improvisation:Improv- Herald, Longform & Games. Dancing/Chaos on the Head of a Pin, NY Renaissance Festival, Comic Relief 8. ...

I'd like to meet:

The person who will take me to the next level of my career. ...




Some films on MY resume: Nowheretown, Timmy The Bag Boy, Ninja What?????? Daisy,Dreams In Digital, Doll, A Bomb By Any Other Name, Limbo, A Bronx Tale, Dim Sum, Jersey Girls, A Shock to the System, Enemies A Love Story, Crocodile Dundee II, Ghoul School, Heart... Here is a trailer from Timmy The Bag Boy where I play "Bandage Man".. width="425" height="350" ..


Some Television Appearances: I Can’t Believe I Wore That, Good Morning America, Today in NY, Let Us Talk Seriously, VH1 Dance Party, Space Commander 8, Music Video~Babylon with Justine Johns, Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles, Dudley the Dragon, ABC & NBC, Captain Hook (For B’way’s Peter Pan), Dance Dance Dance with the Pointer Sisters......


Create your own Draw On Me


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My Blog

Check out this video: the seance

I am only in the very beginning and in the background as the focus of this video clip was on the Dancers. It is from the D'eath Ballet/ Mike Garson Concert/ Theatrical event.I portrayed a phony medium...
Posted by ANTHONY SCAVONE on Mon, 11 Feb 2008 01:11:00 PST

Balls Of Gold

The subject line has less to do with my anatomy and more to do with the short film I did this summer. I just received a copy last night and thought I would share it with you...It was Directed by ...
Posted by ANTHONY SCAVONE on Sat, 22 Sep 2007 06:51:00 PST

A clip from the film I did this past weekend

 Hello friends...The following is a clip from a film I did for the very talented T Max Beard, called; Generations Of Dharmas.He is not only my acting student (and a terrific thespian) but a Fil...
Posted by ANTHONY SCAVONE on Thu, 20 Sep 2007 02:01:00 PST

Another Dancing Show???? LOL

Hi everyone!Sorry to most if I haven't been in touch. I have been VERY busy...(What's new right?( Coming up...A couple of thesis projects for up and coming Directors another Indie film short for a fri...
Posted by ANTHONY SCAVONE on Fri, 07 Sep 2007 12:51:00 PST

When does an Actor/Singer-Non Dancer get to do A Chorus Line?

When he plays the Director, Zach...I jumped at the chance to do this show. Yes, it was nice that I was asked and didn't have to audition BUT...Aside from it being a favorite show of mine,from the time...
Posted by ANTHONY SCAVONE on Wed, 16 May 2007 08:57:00 PST

Finished Limbo Scene with music from Acting reel

These scenes are finally done and added to the reel. ...
Posted by ANTHONY SCAVONE on Sat, 17 Feb 2007 09:04:00 PST

98% done

Of course there will (Hopefeully) always be more to add but here is my reel (without the extended scenes) minus two clips that are being added om Monday. ...
Posted by ANTHONY SCAVONE on Sat, 17 Feb 2007 09:11:00 PST

Finished scene from the Indie Film from Reel, New Music and Edits

Here is the finished scenes that I chose (new music and edit) from my acting reel.This was the independent film (Working Title; NowhereTown)Of course it could be Cowboys & Aliens or Cowboys and Intrud...
Posted by ANTHONY SCAVONE on Sat, 17 Feb 2007 09:08:00 PST

Because a lot of you asked...Here it is~

Alright...Sigh...For those of you who asked.I may just delete this very soon after posting as it is embarrasingly BAD.Hee is the trailer to that aweful film that I did years ago. Ghoul School.So uh......
Posted by ANTHONY SCAVONE on Sat, 27 Jan 2007 05:09:00 PST

Timmy The Bag Boy Trailer

Couldn't upload this on My Videos.Trailer for Timmy The Bag Boy ...
Posted by ANTHONY SCAVONE on Sat, 27 Jan 2007 05:27:00 PST