My Mister.
My son.
Having FUN.
Being the Best.
Working out when the mood strikes me...which is rarely.
Texting. I love texting!
Being ridiculous.
Laying out.
The Spartans!
Baby animals...especially giraffes. I'm impressed that they fall that far and don't break their, giraffes can lick their own ears!
people who like fun. the little guy inside me...but that's going to be a while.
Cruel Intentions
Star Wars (all of them!)
Pride and Prejudice
Harry Potter (all of them!)
300 (because nobody made a movie about a wolverine!)
Benchwarmers (that means garlic bread...yes!)
The Incredibles
Lady and the Tramp
My Fair Lady
Funny Face
Bad Boys I and II
That one with your mom.
I love movies and will watch just about anything...for the first fifteen minutes. If nothing happens in those fifteen minutes, I'm bored and will walk away.
Grey's Anatomy
The Food Network (especially Rachel Ray and Alton Brown!)
Jon and Kate plus 8!
Harry Potter
Pride and Prejudice
Tacky romance novels...they're like brain crack!
People who know what they want.