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Davide Bertozzi

About Me

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Davide Bertozzi, classe 1986, comincia gli studi di canto a 17 anni, fortemente influenzato dall’hard rock californiano di Motley Crue e Skid Row. Nel 2003 si iscrive all’Accademia Musicale di Cattolica dove studia per 4 anni consecutivi canto classico seguito dal Maestro Gilberto Del Chierico. Nel frattempo occupa il posto di frontman in numerose cover band, ma è solo nel 2005 che lascia ogni progetto per dedicarsi unicamente agli Hazy Dream, hard rock band costantemente attiva sulla scena live. È proprio con gli Hazy Dream che Davide si “fa le ossa”, affrontando numerosissimi concerti, saggi, partecipazioni e concorsi. Nel 2006 entra in studio di registrazione per la prima volta ed il risultato è il suo primo demo “Dee Wild”, album che contiene cinque cover ed un pezzo inedito. Nel 2007 diventa allievo di Michele Luppi (Mr. Pig, Killing Touch), con il quale approfondisce gli studi del canto moderno e vocal recording. Nel Giugno dello stesso anno entra nello staff di Entrate Parallele, una nota web-magazine di musica rock underground in cui Davide si occupa di interviste, news e recensioni in campo Rock, Hard Rock, AOR ed Heavy Metal. Nel marzo 2008 in occasione di un concerto di spalla ai Mr. Pig, registra con gli Hazy Dream il primo cd-demo live. Nel dicembre 2008 diventa il nuovo cantante dei Silver Lake, AOR band di Riccione, con i quali partecipa attivamente alla stesura del primo disco ufficiale della band, ormai pronto per essere registrato. Attualmente collabora, sia nella stesura di brani inediti che in live, con gli Hazy Dream, i Silver Lake ed un gruppo acustico recentemente formato. Fuori dall’ambito musicale, Davide Bertozzi è uno studente di Sociologia Della Comunicazione Pubblicitaria (università di Urbino), bocciato in terza superiore, aspirante scrittore, blogger instancabile e fanatico delle Moto GP.
“Fare Rock è un’attitudine che prevede passione, cuore, studio, disciplina e soprattutto umiltà. È l’ascolto dinamico dei dischi che ne hanno fatto la storia e di quelli nuovi, con una visione a 360° di tutta la musica. È la ricerca di sonorità più o meno accattivanti, un’attenzione maniacale per ogni singola nota e la scelta della strumentazione giusta. Fare Rock è un modo di esprimersi, di tirare fuori quello che si ha dentro, ed è come lo fai che ti da personalità e ti rende unico. Non è con i capelli lunghi, la maglietta dei Guns N' Roses o i jeans stracciati che si diventa rockers…”

Davide Bertozzi, born in 1986, started study singing at 17 years, strongly influenced by the sound of Motley Crue and Skid Row. He has studied at the Music Accademy of Cattolica for 4 conscutive years, followed by his teaching singer Gilberto Del Chierico. In these years he occupied the role of frontman in numerous cover bands, but it’s only in 2005 that he stopped each project to devote himself only to Hazy Dream, a Rock band constantly active on live shows. In 2006 Davide recorded his first demo-album called “Dee Wild”, a disc containing five covers and one new unpublished song. In 2007 he started to take private lessons from Michele Luppi (Mr. Pig and Killing Touch vocalist), with whom he studies singing and vocal recording in depth. In June of that year he also started to work for Entrate Parallele, an important web-magazine for rock-underground music where Davide takes care of interviews, news and reviews of Rock, Heavy Metal and A.O.R. bands. In March 2008 he recorded with Hazy Dream his first live album “Hazy Live” during a performance with Mr. Pig. In December 2008 he became the new Silver Lake singer, AOR band from Riccione, and he starts with them the making of their first full-length album. Currently he dedicates his voice and his music experience on Hazy Dream, Silver Lake and an acoustic band. Outside the music, Davide Bertozzi is an university student, an aspiring writer, a tireless blogger and a fanatical fan of Moto GP and Valentino Rossi!
“Rocking is an attitude that requires passion, love, study, discipline and above of all humility. Means being a good listener of the old disks that have made history and the new ones with a 360 degrees view of all music. It’s the search of more captivating sounds, maniacal attention to every single note and the right choice of instrumentation. Rocking is a way to express yourself, to give vent to what you have deep inside, and the result of your stuff is the mirror of your own personality, that is original and unique. It isn’t enough having long hair, the t-shirt of Rolling Stones or a pair of torn blue jeans for being a rocker!”

TUSH live (ZZ-Top cover), maggio 2008
July 25th - Rocca di Luna, Montefiore (RN) - Acoustic Tribute
July 21st - Lampara Beach, Cattolica (RN) - Hazy Dream
April 25th - Red House, Pesaro (PU) - Hazy Dream
April 17th - Virgo Pub, Corridonia (MC) - Hazy Dream + Shot Guns
Dicembre 13th – Red Devil Pub, Rimini – Hazy Dream
November 15th – Red House, Pesaro (PU) – Hazy Dream
August 24th – Festa dell’Unità, Pesaro (PU) – Hazy Dream
July 25th – Riccione (RN) - Hazy Dream
March 9th – Le Club, Cattolica (RN) – Heazy Dream + Mr. Pig
February 15th – Gemmano (RN) – Rock workshop
February 1st – Le Club, Cattolica (RN) - Hazy Dream
November 23th – Le Club, Cattolica (RN) – Hazy Dream
November 10th – Rockattolica, Cattolica (RN) - Hazy Dream
September 1st – Gabicce Mare (PU) - Hazy Dream
June 22nd – Tuborg Contest, Le Club, Cattolica (RN) – Hazy Dream
June 15th – Le Club, Cattolica (RN) – Hazy Dream + Muppet Suicide
May 15th – Teatro Della Regina, Cattolica (RN) – Hazy Dream
April 20th – Roundhouse, Cattolica (RN) - Hazy Dream
April 14th – Shooters Pub, Rimini – Hazy Dream
April 6th – Le Club, Cattolica (RN) – Hazy Dream
March 31st – Rockattolica, Cattolica (RN) – Hazy Dream
March 23rd – Red Devil Pub, Rimini – Hazy Dream
January 7th - Gradara (PU) - Dee Wild & Blacksmith
August 18th – Eden Rock, Gabicce (PU) – Hazy Dream
June 3rd – Gabicce Mare (PU) – Hazy Dream
June 1st – Festa dell’Unità, Cattolica (RN) – Hazy Dream
May 31st – Teatro Della Regina, Cattolica (RN) – Hazy Dream
May 5th – Area 51, Riccione (RN) – Hazy Dream
April 21st – Calamita, Cavriago (RE) – Hazy Dream
March 26th – Area 51, Riccione (RN) – Hazy Dream
March 10th – Dylan Dog, Rimini – Hazy Dream
February 17th – Zen Disco Bar, Cattolica (RN) – Hazy Dream
February 12th – Area 51, Riccione (RN) – Hazy Dream
January 21st – Macello Pub, Rep. San Marino – Hazy Dream
January 7th – Gradara (PU) – Hazy Dream
September 3rd – Rockteen, San Giovanni (RN) – Hazy Dream
August 28th – Circolo Arci Fanano, Gradara (PU) – Hazy Dream
August 6th – Festa dell’Unità, Gabicce (PU) – Hazy Dream
May 21st – Macello Pub, Rep. San Marino – Hazy Dream
May 14th – Gabicce Mare (PU) – Hazy Dream

My Interests


Member Since: 25/08/2008
Band Website: hazydream.com
Elisa, Bon Jovi, Motley Crue, Skid Row, Michele Luppi, Whitesnake, Bryan Adams, LeAnn Rimes, Richie Kotzen, Place Vendome, Avantasia, Litfiba, Deep Purple, Iron Maiden, Dream Theater, Van Halen, Ozzy Osbourne, Queen, Eagles, Michael Kiske, Neil Young, Alanis Morissette, Alice Cooper, Stevie Ray Vaughan and many more…

Sebastian Bach, Freddie Mercury, Michael Kiske, Michele Luppi, Bruce Dickinson, David Coverdale, Jorn Lande, Piero Pelù, Richie Kotzen, Jon Bon Jovi, Elisa Toffoli, LeAnn Rimes, Byonce, Christina Aguilera, David Lee Roth, Ian Gillan and many more...

Slave to the grind (Skid Row), Dr. Feelgood (Motley Crue), Images and words (Dream Theater), No more tears (Ozzy Osbourne), The crimson idol (W.A.S.P.), Terremoto (Litfiba), Keep the faith (Bon Jovi), Hotel California (Eagles), 1987 (Whitesnake), Then comes the sun (Elisa), Family (LeAnn Rimes), Trash (Alice Cooper), So far so good (Bryan Adams), Stream of consciousness (Vision Divine) and many more...

Shure and Sennheiser microphones, specifically Shure Beta 87, Shure Beta 58 and Sennheiser Evolution 945. He also uses Multieffect by Lexicon, acoustic guitar and keyboards by Yamaha.

Hazy Live (demo 2008)
Dee Wild (demo 2007)

THANKS TO... First of all I would like to thank my singing teachers Gilberto Del Chierico and Michele Luppi, for their great advices, patience, humility and especially friendship. Thank you!!!
…and for my musical attitude I would like to thank…Hazy Dream & Silver Lake band, exactly Fabio, Randy, Alessandro, Giovanni, Matteo, Riccardo e Gigi; my rock friends Phill, Sam, Berna, Mauro & Malagrida band, Alessia (sweet little sister), the “Pigs” (Jt, Viossy and Riccardo “il mago”), Simone Mularoni, Batte, Valentina, all the rock clubs I’ve been playing in and anyone who has taught me something about music. …
Many thanks to Mom, Dad and my brother Riccardo, Della and Fe (my friends since ever), Angel, Air, Ste, Matti, Boppa, Bobo, Morghi, Muchas, Francesca & Sole (after all these years), Veronica (so far, too far…), Elisa, Elise, Christine, Tanny, Nippi, Luca & the Lorenzi’s, Francesca (my lovely “Summer of ’69”), all the staff of Entrate Parallele, Alessia, Elisa (pucchu), Daniela “Left”, Patty, Axl (a real cowboy), Mako & White Crystal (Splinder attitude!), Sara, Lisa, Marco (Paco), Letizia, Bernadette and all my friends of S.C.P. especially Cinzia, Simone, Baffo and Giulia.
A very special thanks goes to Angelica, the sweetest person I’ve ever known.
I finally wanna thank all the people who have come to see my shows for all these years and the music, my favourite one, that kind who doesn’t know the Stop bottom.

e-mail: davide.bertozzi@libero.it
msn: dee_wild@hotmail.it


Record Label: Non firmato

My Blog

Silver lake at Milu's Rock Lab

eng: Silver Lake are started to record the vocals traks at Milu's Rock Lab. All vocals will be produced by Michele Luppi.ita: i Silver Lake hanno cominciato le registrazioni delle tracce vocali al Mil...
Posted by on Sun, 21 Jun 2009 10:16:00 GMT

Silver Lake at Fear Studio

ENG: Silver Lake have started to record their first alum at Fear Studio (Ravenna). Only the vocal tracks will be recorded at Milu's Rock Lab (Fabbrico, RG) with Michele Luppi.ITA: I Silver Lake hanno ...
Posted by on Fri, 29 May 2009 03:59:00 GMT

Silver Lake

Davide Bertozzi entra ufficialmente nei Silver Lake, AOR/prog band di Riccione attualmente al lavoro sul primo disco ufficiale.
Posted by on Wed, 25 Mar 2009 12:34:00 GMT