music is 100 percent me.without music id be life is all about a musician.mainly a lead guitarist,ive been taking voice lessons and have been in choir since 6th grade.i directed barbarshop for 4 years.and helped give example for pre berkley juliard composure and arrangment classes,ive always told ppl if you know music theory learning the instrument of another kind is just technical..after the technicallities your possibillities are endless.I study music theory day in and day out its my biggest passion.i ride Harley Davidson Motorcycles.I'm a very caring person.I'll break my balls for you even if you dont for me.there isnt a thing i wouldnt do for anybody who knows me.but fuck me over itll be your last mistake. live eat breathe sweat and bleed music.uhm.. comment me or leave me a msg ill get back to aim sn is gianttalentrr522 if u wanna im me.uhm that should be it
s.d.m.f.There is nothing so likely to produce peace as to be well prepared to meet the enemy.-George Washington
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