Brainwave E.P. review/online store
"Its always refreshing when a
band try to forge something
new, carefully sidestepping
Johnny Borrells studied
arrogance, or whatever might
be gracing the pages of the
NME this week. Edinburghers
Employee Of The Month
are just such a band,
creating sprawling rock/jazz
instrumentals that sound as if
theyre ripped straight from a
movie soundtrack. This is their
first official release, and while
it wont be setting the media
alight it does provide a slick
twenty minutes of intelligent
music. And you cant ask for
much more than that. [DC]" - from Is This Music? ..23 (in stores now!)
Employee of the Month's debut E.P. Brainwave has sold out. Stay tuned for album news.
We have high hopes for the future, as should you.We make music that sounds similar to the music we make. You can download it if you want to. If you dont want to, you dont have to. In fact it would be best if you didnt, since it would confuse things to have people downloading music when they dont actually want to. Go with what you feel.
We play live. To find out where, when and with whom, see above.
We are not beautiful, but there are pictures of us.
We love when people leave us comments. You can leave one here.
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