~Beautiful Disaster~ profile picture

~Beautiful Disaster~

She never stays the same for long..Assuming that she'll get it wrong...Perfect only in her imperfect

About Me

If you think I look familiar I prolly do. I grew up in Newnan Georgia, I went to Heritage Baptist Church through most of highschool although I went to public elementary and middle schools. I worked at the Movie Theater, chick~fil~a and a attorney's office at a time when the movie theater and eating were the only things to do in that town. I hung out with a huge, very varied group of friends and my parents were at one point members of the S.C.V so we went to a lot of that stuff.
So if you think you know me, add me, you prolly do.
Don't expect a lot of "about me" I've had some problems with people who can't seem to keep their nose outta my business. This isn't my only myspace my other one is private and for my FRIENDS only. If you think you should be added to that one send me a message here and I'll see about adding you.
My daughter is my life. She's 5 and beautiful. If you want to make me mad and be shoved outta our life then say ANYTHING negative about her or the way I raise her. That little girl is the reason I get up in the morning and actually live a productive life, without her I don't know where'd I'd be but I know it wouldn't be pretty.
If you want to know anything else just ask.
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My Interests

adopt your own virtual pet!

I'd like to meet:

Dog the bounty hunter and crew


Mostly country although I do love Nickelback, I listen to alot of Kenny chesney, Keith Urban, Toby Keith, Gretchen Wilson, Tracy Lawerence........Anything like thatRecently on myspace I've gotten add request from some great "unknown" (for lack of a better word) their the ones I ussally try to play on my profile Sam Jaffe, Mike Rodgers, and Jonathan Laird to name my current favs


wow I love Gone with the Wind, The Notebook (duh right?), American Beauty, Finding Nemo, Dirty Dancing, Moulin Rouge, Driving Miss Daisy, Guarding Tess, While you were Sleeping, Chicago. Anything wih Sandra Bullock, Julia Roberts, Vin Diesel (I know but he's HOT) any of those musicals like Moulin Rouge or Chicago......I guess anything not scary or stupid


REALITY SHOWS BABY, Dog The Bounty Hunter, Inked, Parental Control,The Real World/Road Rules compitions, Mind Freak, The Girls Next Door.....anything like that


anything biographies, romance, scary, fiction, non-fiction If it's in a book I'll read it!


Jesus, My Mom and Dad, any member of the MIlitary past or present, and Oprah

My Blog

Same as my bulletin for all you anti-bulletin people out there

Hey everybody i have gotten a couple of messages and 2 phone calls about this so I thought I'd let everyone know at once. Yes there was a school bus accident in Huntsville this morning (while I was ta...
Posted by ~*Lissa*~ on Mon, 20 Nov 2006 11:20:00 PST

5 Point Harness IMPORTANT!!

IMPORTANT PLEASE WATCH THIS VIDEO!!!! Even if you don't have kids watch it and pass the information or the video itself, on to everybody who has children!!     http://www.youtube.com/watch?v...
Posted by ~*Lissa*~ on Mon, 06 Nov 2006 02:03:00 PST

My best friend

                  So there's this chick right? and she TOTALLY completes me. It's like one of those best friends heart necklaces, the kind that ar...
Posted by ~*Lissa*~ on Fri, 20 Oct 2006 07:47:00 PST

grrrrrrr anger and 90's music

I hate people who say things they know to be bullshit just to hurt others. why spread rumors or share stories about someone when you know for a fact it's not true. I also hate people, guys to be speci...
Posted by ~*Lissa*~ on Mon, 16 Oct 2006 08:53:00 PST

Update Time

So I know I talk to a lot of you on the phone so you know most of this stuff but for the people who I don't talk to oe those of you who don't listen :) It's update time WHOOO-HOO   SO First thing...
Posted by ~*Lissa*~ on Tue, 10 Oct 2006 02:48:00 PST

the radio stations don't want to play this so let's pass it around on here

Thanks KellyPosted By:Mrs. ThompsonGet this video and more at MySpace.com...
Posted by ~*Lissa*~ on Sat, 07 Oct 2006 07:19:00 PST

Just a quote

So Here is today's random quote, and yes I did steal it from Monday Night football, and no I do not want to talk about the way the Falcons played (or more correctly didn't play) last night. Just enjoy...
Posted by ~*Lissa*~ on Tue, 26 Sep 2006 09:49:00 PST

randomness but hey that's why you love me

So..... not sure what's up with my immune system this year but I've been sick or what feels like more time then I've been well here lately! Today is the first day I've been able to get my head off the...
Posted by ~*Lissa*~ on Wed, 20 Sep 2006 08:50:00 PST

to anyone who has gotten a strange message from me

Okay I think i either got a virus or got hacked or something cause I just looked into my sent folder and there were like 12 messages sent to random(not on my friends list) people something about katie...
Posted by ~*Lissa*~ on Wed, 30 Aug 2006 03:50:00 PST

So you know that feeling.......

.........you get when u hear a band you've never heard before and u just instantly love it????? Well I have that feeling right now, Hinder is pretty cool, and I know some of ya'll are gonna call it po...
Posted by ~*Lissa*~ on Thu, 17 Aug 2006 04:24:00 PST