Message of the moment......... 'Dont ever regret your past,mistakes are what shape each of you and make you an individual.'♥
I will try and change the message from me as often as possible ^_^
What would you like to do today.....
♥ ♥ ♥ Im Cinny ♥ ♥ ♥Im more of a listener than a talker.This is what people think of me ...
Talk to me
I like to think of myself as a friendly approachable girl. Im a simple person that holds no grudges.I might get angry at people but after a while i will be back to normal and just get on with life.I love cooking and eating especially yummy desserts ^_^
I ♥ my friends old and new.Thank you for sticking by me.Thank you for liking the real me...
Thank you for being like a gran to me hehehe.I will always remember you as my friend that takes the piss out of me to show that you like me and give me nicknames like Cinny the penguin ^_^
Lizzy-Thank you for being like a mother to me.Thank you for putting up with me taking the piss out of you all the time for my enjoyment u stinkyarse
Clairey another one of my mums lol.Thank you for always being there for me.I will always remember the lame things that we laugh at all the time..(you WOOD like that WOODnt you :P)i dont even know how we got to that...
My Adi♥.Love him to bits hes so caring and we share a love of cakes,chocolate,cookies etc etc... lol.He makes my day
♥Dave♥-We seem to be the only two that dont work so while everyone else is working we live the high life hahaha
♥Mike♥-My hunnybun.I only really got to know you during your last year at school but I had so much fun and im glad we are still mates!!