I've been a bit absent from the Urxed lately. I have been VERY preoccupied with my project called High Places. The Urxed is me, basically doing whatever I need to do at any given time. In the past it has been an oulet for Howard Hughsian home recording, making stuff for a pirate radio project, printmaking projects and most recently, it was an excuse to tour with my friends Matt & Kim and Japanther, as well as an excuse to go sailing and play in tropical locations. Above all, it was therapy for getting over a case of MAJOR performance anxiety. I was scared, now I'm better (I think, no actually I'm pretty sure that I'm ok now). The Urxed also is somebody who helps friends with their recordings. I think I'd like to do a lot more of this. Some friends recordings I've worked on are Japanther, BARR, Matt & Kim, Benji Cossa, Castro, Plate Techtonics, Sensational, Federation X, 25 Suaves, Leaders, etc.