18 Wheel Angels profile picture

18 Wheel Angels

I am here for Networking

About Me

18 Wheel Angels is an all volunteer program in which truck drivers volunteer their time and resources to help locate missing loved ones. Target Media Partners works with Project Jason to provide additional assistance for families of the missing by publishing the photos and information for each featured campaign in their monthly magazines, Through the Gears and Independent Contractor. This publication has a circulation of 150,000, and can be found at truckstops and other businesses nationwide.

18 Wheel Angels FAQ:

What is an 18 Wheel Angel?

An 18 Wheel Angel is a compassionate person, who, while traveling the highways, helps to locate missing loved ones by placing posters of them along the way.

What would I need to do?

Project Jason, the sponsor organization, will feature a printable poster of a missing person on their web site , which changes weekly. 18 Wheel Angels come to this web site page and print posters of the missing person to take on their next trip and post in businesses along their route.

What is Required of me to be an 18 Wheel Angel?

Participating drivers need access to a computer, printer, E-mail, and the Internet. Drivers are asked to print 5 or more posters to distribute on their route.

Why should I become an 18 Wheel Angel?

The potential for success of the program is unlimited. Remember, the key to resolution in these cases is public awareness. With over 105,000 active missing person cases in the U.S., these families need your help. The poster that you lovingly place may be the one that reunites a family!

My Interests

I'd like to meet:

This Project Jason profile is actively seeking truck drivers and representatives of trucking companies who would like to be an 18 Wheel Angel and help find the missing.

My Blog

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