Reading,Singing,Playing the Piano, Playing The Sims, Shopping,Making people laugh...Laughing..
Everyone.. except people who have poor hygeine.. not a good look..
Anything that sounds good...R&B, Rap..oldies but goodies, some rock and some roll.
Ghost, Anything by Madea, The Little Mermaid one and two, King Kong ,the notebook,...anything by disney...action...comedies...whatever
I love House!!!!, Law and Order: SVU, America's Next Top Model, Maury, Montel Williams Show- With Sylvia Browne, Making the band, Judge Judy
Anything by Sylvia Browne, B-More Carefull, The Coldest Winter Ever, The Great Gatsby, threesome, Genevie, Sins And Secrets, Clinical Psychology, The Science Of Psychology, Bible
GOD,Ralph E West..When things got bad at home...He took over and never gave up on us....Jessica Koonce I have known this child since we were 12 and every since then she has had my back