I worked in the entertainment industry for many years, being Vice President of Four Seasons Coach Leasing www.fsleasing.com. It's one of the premier entertainer coach leasing companies in the country, we worked with everyone you ever heard of. Despite that, I still like Music. Especially acoustic, of all stripes, except most country and bluegrass, rap and hiphop. Books. Mostly historical fiction, science fiction and fantasy and children's books of the 1930's. My intelligent and very funny son, Aeron. My sweetheart, cobbler extraordinaire. Dogs and Walking Them. Horses. Deer. Mice. Deermice. The Sea. Small things. Harps. Renaissance Faires. Pre-Raphaelite Art. Acerbic Wit and Gallows Humor. Really bad puns. Psychedelic Art and Recordings on Vinyl. Boots. (Not vinyl boots, I like real leather). Women Friends. Good Food. Good Wine. Cooking. Tarot Cards. R/F.com Invasions.
My Interests
I'd like to meet:
People with similar interests who enjoy discussing them. Please no romantic interest at this time.