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Myspace Graphics
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awesome myspace survey
basic stuff
name: Sarah
birthdate: Dec 15th
still in school?: NO
what grade level?: NOT IN SCHOOL DUMB ASS!!!!!
where were you born: Phillipines
have any siblings?: Yes 2 brothers and a adopted sister~that BITCH~
if yes, names and ages: ryan 9, mickey 19, Leah that Bitch 24
food: rice
drink: budlight
alcoholic drink: to-kill-ya
color: pink/black
band: kittie
cd: all of the kittie cds kick ass
song: Paper Doll
movie: Nightmare on Elm ST.
actor: Robert England
actress: Angelina Jolie
animal: Exotic black panther, House pets dogs , house rodents Chinchillas
place to spend time: A bar
type of car: Anthing sleek and runs
brand of clothes: NONE I like to be Naked
style: My own Style
game system: Ps2 and DS
game: Resendent Evil and Sims
magazine: I cant READ
last person who...
talked to you: Leah
left you an email: Leah
called you: Leah
held your hand: Leah
kissed you: Josh
made you mad: Josh
made you cry: Jordan talking about moving
made you smile: Ryan
made you laugh: Leah
told you how good looking you are: Josh
gave you an order: Twin
went shopping with you: Family
was in your bed: Leah
laughed at you: everyone
reassured you: Jordan
you went on a road trip with: Leah, and Stephany
have you ever:::
snuck out of your house: yes
ran away: yes
tried to kill yourself: no
seriously contemplated killing yourself: yes
drove around aimlessly for hours on end: yes
been drunk: yes every weekend
been high: Umm should I answere that one honestly
stayed in bed all day: Yes
punched someone: Yes
shot a gun: Yes but never at anyone(person)
gone swimming in the ocean: Yes
danced like an idiot in a public place: Yes
talked to a complete stranger like youd known them forever: Yes
read a whole book in one day: I cant READ remember
waved at random cars: Yes
told someone you lowered your cholosterol: I'm a fat chick what do u think
drunk dialed an ex: Yes
played in a fountain: Yes
had sex in a public place: Yes
talked to bums: Yes there my friends
gotten in a fight just because (like in 'fight club'): I tried to start my own
wearing: Clothes
listening to: Leah's mouth
watching: the screan
thinking about: How bad I need to take a poop
want: to take a poop
missing: the toliet
where are you?: in my brothers room
black or white: Black
home or away: AWAy
bed or floor: bed
music or movies: movies
xbox or ps2: ps2
rock or rap: both
pop or country: pop
phone or email: neither
manual or automatic: automatic
alcoholic drink or nonalcoholic drink: alcoholic
mountain dew or mello yellow: mountain screw
iPod or iRiver: UMMM
laptop or desktop: both
car or motorcycle: car
school or work: work
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My Interests

You scored as Punk/Rebel.





Ghetto gangsta






Drama nerd





What's Your High School Stereotype?
created with ~ Music, Movies, Video games, Hanging out with the crew ~ What makes you unique?
Your social intelligence, that what makes you special, a lot of people love you, you are cautious when it comes to talking about your feelings, you are practical in most things, you are wise, logical and you listen to the common sense, well you usually do, but some times you just get bored, try to express your feelings no matter what people would say, probably you like earth colours.
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Quizilla | Join| Make A Quiz | More Quizzes | Grab Code ~ What kind of dancers are you? (Girls only)
You are a Chinese/Asian Dancer. You are the smartest in the party, you have a beautiful creative mind and you like to use it to help your loved ones, you care a lot about your friends and you try always to protect them and give them advice. Your ideal man is the one with a strong determined character, you like to feel safe with him.
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Whats Your Stoner Nickname? (PICS)

Crazy Carl
Your a mad man! your head is rushing with so many crazy ideas at once, half that are illegal. You enjoy smoking but even more the rush you get. You often have to be controlled by a friends before you end up in a hospital or in jail.You are Fun to blaze with but also need to be watched carefully
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~ ~ What kind of phobias you have? and how this reflect your personality?Coulrophobia is to fear Clowns, sometimes you tend to be irrational and some times you tend to be like a chicken, you like challenges, you get bored easily, you don't show to the people you love that you do, but when they are gone you regret it badly and ready to do anything to get them back.probably something bad happened to you when you were young.
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Quizilla | Join| Make A Quiz | More Quizzes | Grab Code ~ What kind of phobias you have? and how this reflect your personality?Iatrophobia is to fear Doctors or Going to doctors, you don't like to ask for help, you are very independent, you don't like criticism, you really love yourself and respect it, you are strong but be careful you don't get broken.
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Quizilla | Join| Make A Quiz | More Quizzes | Grab Code ~ What is your way to ultimate happiness? (8 outcomes w.. new pix please read memo)
Friends. You are witty and fun, you love your friends and like to be around them cuz life is never bored with them, when you like something you get really defensive about it, like music, you are ready to do anything for your favourite singer, you love life as it comes.
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Quizilla | Join| Make A Quiz | More Quizzes | Grab Code ~ What's your way to escape reality? What's your salvation?
Poetry is your salvation. You see beauty where others see ugliness. Frighteningly intelligent, people don't understand how you think. Just like a beautiful ryhthmic poem. Mysterious and dark. You know the meaning of life you just simply don't care.~~Just me and my thoughts~~
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Myspace Zodiac Graphics ~

Free Myspace Pictures from drewpydraws

Free Myspace Pictures from drewpydraws
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MyHotComments / HotFreeLayouts ~ You are charming.

You are very bright, and able to completely express yourself verbally. You have a lot of charisma and people are naturally attracted to you.

'What is your seduction style?' at ~ You are 62% kinky

You are kinky. You are always up for trying something new in the bedroom... or wherever else you chose to.

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I'd like to meet:

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MyHotComments / HotFreeLayouts~ What is the center of your dark core? (updated)
Your dark side is centered around Pain. You feel you want to scream and cry, want to leave this place and run away from everything but you can't, you are trapped inside your head and there is no way out. All you want is a beautiful unique mind just like you, can listen and understand so you can full your world with happiness and peace. You will find what you want when you simplify your life and stop looking to the dark side.
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Quizilla | Join| Make A Quiz | More Quizzes | Grab Code ~ All sorts of PPL... ~ What kind of masks you hide behind? (i added pix)
You hide behind The Shadow Mask, you don't like to be in the spot light, you like to hide from everybody and just be alone, you think you put yourself in this position with your own will but the truth is that people made you go there, you don't trust people any more though inside you there is a voice screaming to go out and see the light, you look for some one who understands the real you, some one loves you unconditionally, if you were looking for some one to talk to, i'm all ears.
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Quizilla | Join| Make A Quiz | More Quizzes | Grab Code ~ When it come to me I would like him strong and protective but in the same time the sweetest man on earth. ~
Are you obsessed with him?

Just a crush!
You're not really the type to become obsessed with anything and boys are no exception. He's caught your eye a little bit, that's about it. Besides, your motto is: What will be will be. And think about it: If you're not all crazy about it, maybe it's because he's not that you. Is there anyone else on your radar?
Take The Quiz Now! Quizzes by ~ You have a sexual IQ of 128

When it comes to sex, you are a super genius. You have had a lot of experience, and sex interests you so you know a lot about it. You pride yourself on being a source of information and guidance to all of your friends.

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I listen to all sorts of music but my fav group is KITTIE my friends think I am a little strange for that but we all got a little strangeness in us all!!! ~ Which artist represents your soul? Which song your spirit sings?
SlipKnoT is your match. Wounded, Angry, Regretful yet Hateful.Your spirit's song is I Am Hated
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Quizilla | Join| Make A Quiz | More Quizzes | Grab Code ~ ~ How normal are you? (celebs' pics) girls & guys
you are not normal at all, you are very cool, unique, center of attention, you like weird things so you could be the only one who like it, you need to be loved but you hate to ask for it and when some one criticize you, you tend to be introvert, and hate them immediately, but if they apologize you can forgive them easily, you have a big heart but you don't know that, best to represent you in females is amy lee, best to represent you in males is eminem.
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I love horror flicks not too much into the girly mush mush movies to much sugar and shit for me my fav horror flicks happens to be NIGHTMARE ON ELM ST. FRED KRUGAR YUP YUP!!! ~ Why you were born? What do you seek in life? What is the reason behind your existence?You seek knowledge. you don't like to be out of the picture, you seem a little bit curious "actually a lot". you have a lot of goals you wish you could acheive, but you are not the kind of people who waits for a wonder, you go out and try to figure out what could make it come true. you are ambitious, independent, smart human being. you are truly unique so be proud of yourself and keep trying till you reach your dreams cuz one day you will. You are best at jobs needs an open minded, smart person like you, such as journalists, therapies,....
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Evil, Satanic, and Horror pictures ~
Evil, Satanic, and Horror pictures ~
Evil, Satanic, and Horror pictures ~ Which 10 Things I Hate About You Character Are You?Kat Stratford
You are opinionated, loud, and try to be a non-conformist. You don't care about being in with the in-crowd, and you don't care about what people think of you. You're pretty much a total smart-ass, and may tend to get mean at times. You march to the beat of your own drum, and do things you way. For that, I applaud you.
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Umm I don't watch to much of that but when I do I like watching the older shit like fresh prince, Rosanne.. Some of the newer shit though would be FAMILY GUY~GO STEWIE~, FUTURAMA. ~
Which Griffin Family Guy Character are you?

You are smarter than most of those surrounding you, yet it is wasted on heinous projects. You demand alot and kick ass when you dont get it.
Take The Quiz Now! Quizzes by ~ Who are you from your birthday date (easy steps, amazing pics)
You can be a goody two-shoes or a rebel, depending on who you want to impress, you are stylish, intelligent, graceful and generous, but some times your temper or moods can get out of hands.
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Quizilla | Join| Make A Quiz | More Quizzes | Grab Code ~ What is hot in you (your body, brain or soul) ? (girls only)
BRAIN.girl you are smart. you know what you want and how to get are cautious when it comes to love cuz you don't want to get hurt, just relax and enjoy being yourself cuz you are really a UNIQUE person.
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Quizilla | Join| Make A Quiz | More Quizzes | Grab Code ~ What's your way to escape reality? What's your salvation?
Writing is your salvation. In words you escape from reality. You have a strong character with an amazing way to express your feelings BUT only on papers. People tend to see you as a loner but in fact you are just a misunderstood out-going soul.~~Just me and my words~~
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Steven Kings Novels, and Edgar Allen Poe ~ How do you connect with Pain? (updated)You connect with pain spiritually, your soul carries a lot of pain, but you don't admit that in public, you keep it supressed inside you, and you show it only to yourself at night, you feel better when you cry, you like to be alone, you feel safe this way, you don't think there is someone understands you, but there are, you just didn't give the chance for any one to do so, try to express your feelings infront of everybody, and by feelings i mean the true ones not the ones you used to show them to everybody, also you have to know that cutting and suicide don't solve any problem, actually it make it worst, you have to know that we weren't born to kill ourselves, if you want to talk to someone, i'm all ears.
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Which Stephen King Novel Are You?

'Carrie' is about a girl who is tormented by her classmates, and finally wrecks a firey revenge on her entire town when they push her too far. It was made into a movie with Sissy Spacek and a bagillion gallons of fake blood. When someone wrongs you, you can be a bit obsessed with getting your revenge. Sometimes it's better to let these things slide. (Carrie was Stephen King's first novel and it was a crazy-successful best seller! How cool is that!)
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My Blog

Fake Friends!!!!!

Subject: Fake Friends Body: FAKE FRiENDSz !!!!!I have to agree with all of you who say people are getting fake on here. So I gave in and let's see who really reposts this. This is a test to see who's ...
Posted by Death to the Bionic Squirls on Fri, 06 Jan 2006 08:25:00 PST

Let me know!!!

Answer this and send it back to me. Post it on your bulletin without the answers. You might be surprised with the results.DO NOT LEAVE ANYTHING BLANK!!Y = YesN = NoM = MaybeWould you? Will you?[_] giv...
Posted by Death to the Bionic Squirls on Thu, 05 Jan 2006 11:39:00 PST

**~hoTT or noTT~**

Posted by Death to the Bionic Squirls on Thu, 05 Jan 2006 11:34:00 PST


Why did it happen to me??? I am in a car with my friends she is the one drving and she gets pulled over she has onw of those really old oldsmobile. She gets pulled over because she has no license plat...
Posted by Death to the Bionic Squirls on Wed, 21 Dec 2005 05:01:00 PST


Looking for interesting ppl to be friends with if ur interested into making new friends please check out my space and add me
Posted by Death to the Bionic Squirls on Tue, 20 Dec 2005 01:07:00 PST