Friends, music, computers, ATV's and Jet Ski's, cars/trucks are ....#1 lol. I try to learn as much about them whenever I can (as you will see in my "Television" section). I love to race and go fast (damn cops!! -_- lol) and off-roading/mud bogging seems like it would be freakin AWESOME but I have yet to go!! :-( .. But as Ashlie once said, if it has a motor, I'll like it.. lol Also, I like playing sports and games. Um, for some reason I just like learning new things that people might come across in life. Such as the inner-workings of mechanisms and devices. I also like to work out, play paintball, and a lot more.. generally just having fun!
And of course, this girl...
We've been together for over a year and I love her!
Bill Gates (maybe he can give me some advice.. lol)
Oh, and Stacey David for sure!
R.I.P. - Chris Farley (You're still awesome!!)
But as far as normal everyday people, just people who I can talk to and have a good time with.
I can listen to just about any kind of music and like it. I'll listen to anything from country to metal.. it really depends on my mood. But you'll usually catch me listening to hip-hop kinda stuff. I like a bunch of vietnam era music too.
I like most action films, and good comedies but only when they actually make me laugh. I hate it when something's suppose to be funny but it's not. I've always tried to find a good scary movie but I don't scare too easily at movies.. but the best thing about scary movies is when you watch them with a girl next to ya.. ;-) lol
I don't really watch TV anymore but when I do, I like to watch some of these shows when they're on (if they're still aired.. I don't even know lol):
FAMILY GUY! -- best show
King of the Hill
Malcolm in the Middle
History Channel
Modern Marvels
Horse Power TV
Car and Driver Television
Ride with Funk Master Flex
Pimp My Ride
Trick It
Full Throttle
NOPI TunerVision
Street Tuner Challenge
Build or Bust
Texas Hardtails
Unique Whips
Jackass (MTV shows)
Speed Channel
Discovery Channel
And others I can't think of..
Well, I'd rather go for magazines and newspapers.. BUT I will admit, I enjoy the occasional book.
I'd have to say my brother. From what I'm told, he kinda saved my life. I was too young to remember it though. Something about me running towards a "cliff with a 100 foot drop to the water." And then there's this one girl whom I met a long time ago on the internet. She's an incredible friend and she has always been there for me no matter what. There's really no need to say her name because she already knows I'm talking about her but I'll say it anyways, thank you so much for everything Ashlie! You're amazing!