***MAJOR UPDATE***: i got an email today with a link to a video message from jon times a day and a link to a freaky ten times a day halloween website you have to check out. watch it baby
This is a movement of, by, and for the fans of Ten Times A Day to bring them back to life. Has it ever been done before? Has a band's fans, after they have broken up for a while, ever created a network and demanded their asses to come back from the grave? I don't think so. But we fully intend to try. Help us out!!
Ok, here's the deal. Ten Times A Day was a band from southern California, and one of my favorite bands of ALL time. (And that's saying a lot.) I first saw them at the Warped Tour in San Francisco some time back and I was blown away. Every time they had a show I did my best to get to it, that's how much I liked this friggin band. I even drove to Bakersfield a few times to see them. Some of their worst shows I ever saw were better than the best shows put on by a lot of other bands. I saw them play inside a friggin tent to about 50 people, and saw them open for bigger bands to 1000 people and they put on the same energy no matter what.
The other day I was listening to some of their old cds and I went to their myspace page and honestly, I was just really wishing they were still a band. They wrote great songs and had great political lyrics. I know each of them were doing different things, different projects--Roger and Paul were in a band called Versus the Sun and I talked to Nick on AIM a while back and he was doing politics, which if you listened to Tenx's lyrics shouldn't be surprising. Tyler is now the drummer for A Static Lullaby. I think other members might have projects too but not sure. If you know I will post them here.
UPDATE: A fan sent me a message saying that Jon has been playing in a band called Stowaway in Colorado.
Here is the deal--I LOVE THIS BAND. I know it is totally unlikely that they would get back together, or even play a reunion show or something, but I would fly anywhere in the country to see it, and I am guessing there are some others out there that would too. Crazier things have happened on the internet, and even if this effort doesn't result in that "one more show" maybe at least their fans could let them know they were appreciated. If WE could convince THEM to do at least ONE more show, maybe WE can convince them to do more than one show. Or who knows? Crazy ass things happen every single day. If you never listened to Ten Times A Day, check out the video on this page or use one of the "mixtapes" to the left. With all the bands out there if you only have a minute or a short attention span, watch the video and you will see why I love them. I doubt they would mind (they were always giving stuff away and selling their cds and merch really cheap) but if they want me to take it down I will. Maybe I should have set up a "band page" but that didn't seem really right.
If you know what any of these guys are up to or have pictures or mp3s or video please let me know because I am hoping a lot of people will add this page to their friend list, and then I can send it to them. If you send me stuff I will post it--the pictures I have I just found from different places on the internet. Right now Tom is my only friend. I hope that will change soon! If you have friends who liked Ten Times A Day, please send them messages or a bulletin!!! Top 8 this page, copy this message, send to your friends!!! Spread the word!
Thanks! -Mike
Put this banner on your page! Just copy and paste:
Diseased Arms and Broken Bones
Diseased Arms and Broken Bones
Created by Jaime.Radar of David Costa (Chicago)