Full Blown Aids profile picture

Full Blown Aids

About Me

"I tried to listen to your music, but the intros were way too long and dramatic for songs that have little to no meaning and then they turned into generic, shitty guitar riffs. In conclusion, I decided to listen to myself vomiting instead." - Some random myspace kid. ^^^^^^^^^^ "my ears are still bleeding after listening to this shit. i think 100 of my brain cells died as well. "- 2nd douchey myspace kid ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++After an extensive tour of Iraq these guys returned to a land where murder was shunned upon. So they went about it the legal-est way possible. Contracting the deadly AIDS virus and fucking many numerous people. They also occasionally play music.SPRAYED Video -

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My Interests


Member Since: 23/08/2008
Band Members: Jim Seeping Cock +AIM = I GRIND FLESH - Gurgles, chuckles, noise, smoke, 1 string rumble axe, and samples.Bong Waters +AIM = Metal Stewman - 6 String death apparatus, occasional howling.Fart Trench - Random flailing, sometimes on drums.
Influences: Dying Fetus, EYEHATEGOD, Obituary, Mortician, Skinless, Entombed, Anal Cunt, Anal Blast, Bolt Thrower, God Forbid, Six Feet Under, Carcass, The Berzerker, Aborted, Iced Earth, Soilent Green, Bongzilla, Cephalic Carnage, Through The Eyes of the Dead, Killwhitneydead, God Dethroned, Anal Stench, Vehemence, Type O Negative, Down, Sepultura.
Sounds Like: 3 short angry men placed into a bag, spun around, thrown into a mosh pit, released, slaughtered, and fucked. Or any live pornogrind concert ever.
Record Label: Drunk N Stoned Prodcutions
Type of Label: Indie

My Blog

Dicking The Black Man Since 81 Now For Sale

Weve just finished our album, if your intrested in getting the full infection, Send us a message.They are 3 dollars.
Posted by on Sat, 06 Sep 2008 20:38:00 GMT

New material soon.

Bong here, just figured I'd fuckin' fill you fine fucks in on what the fucks happenin' in our sick fuckin' world of fuck.Soon as I get my rig straight and track out these noisy fuckin' guitar trackshi...
Posted by on Mon, 25 Aug 2008 05:27:00 GMT