i am... Music
because the rewarding part of my music is to see a reaction from others when they hear it. I'm a big dreamer as a child and my music is my art. I visualize my reality and make it come to life through my voice. i am Dance... because it's way of being free. If I could fly it's the way I fly. It's the only way I know how to feel beautiful.i am Actor... because It's how I know how to be expressive. I'm a perfectionist in acting. I don't just want you to see me I want you to feel what I'm acting as if it was you. I've never had it easy in life and I've been told that women in their 40's haven't faced some of the challenges I've had in my life.i am Entertainment... because I love the kids. I love to see a child remember me and feel their pure love.i am Fashion...because i model. ..
Film Directors, Business Owners and Talent Agents.
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Making music for me is my therapy. My life and my escape from all my sorrows. My album will be done by the end of the November 2007...Please look out for it.P
I always dreamt of having a leading role in a movie because like music movies have the power to create an emotion.
Univision WFDC-TV is the #1 TV Station Telefutura WMDO-TV and I need to say no more....
I wish I could find more time to read but I enjoy it as much as writing. Everyone has a story to tell. One day I would like to leave my family a book written by me.
Nathaniel is my hero. He saved my life.My father he taught me to be strong and to hold my head up high. I want to make him proud one day.My mother is my hero because without her I wouldn't know how to be thankful or humble.My sister because she taught me to always be genuine and true to myself.My brothers because without critical criticism in my life I'd have no direction. They have taught me how to grow from my mistakes, without even knowing it.Everyday I find a new hero because I've learned that life is about making relationships with others whether it's friendship or business. That's why all my friends are special to me because they know that even though I might not call everyday they have a special place in my heart for them and that I'm loyal.