iron..blacksmithing..tig welding..bronze, plastic and rubber casting..sculpture that makes you go fibers..knitting/crocheting..graphic design..print design..dirty colors..making carnal..eggs and noodles..chicken..robots..ROBOT CHICKEN..nonsense and general jibberish..thrift store boots..dancing..bars..cute and simultaneously perverse..retail therapy..moustaches..cuddlefests..rollerskating..rollerjams. ...the color green..coconut flavored golden wraps..camo..tom kha..vice magazine specifically the dos and dont section..all things that come from the ocean..iconography..grits..whales..pulling teeth..sleeping..the question and not the answer..taking a big risk to fail miserably just to find what you were searching for..EXQUISITE CORPSE..ryan trecartin..
5 B's: Bontecou Barney Bjork Beuys Boratthe goose that shines the golden tooth.
dave chappelle..ali G..simpsons..futurama..robot chicken..wonder name is earl..ugly betty..the food network..
you mean magazines..CABINET quarterly..
the staff members of THE OFFICE