I WILL ALWAYS GRAB THE BULL BY THE HORNS... AND DO THE CHA-CHA WITH IT. Brace yourself.PS, IF you ever want to 'Hook up' my number is 867-5309. CALL ME!I CURRENTLY LOVE...
TK, peanut m&m's, trying to write country songs, caddle, nickle slots, collecting 'cocks'.I WILL ALWAYS LOVE...
my family, my friends, RYAN, 879-8351, willie nelson, robertsdale, michael demartino, the dixie mafia, VEETS, kuuurs light, DRG, 52 saybrook lane, 872-8022, CHICAGO, kelly teal, siamese cats, flashbacks when I smell something that time warps me back into once was, singing, and singing poorly, galaga, my independance, chicken salad, lionel richie.I WILL NEVER LOVE...
cotton, my friends in need, kenny g., pleated pants, showering when it's cold, randoms touching me, bananas, dark meat, the smell of old cantaloupe, hairspray the movie, tappered pants, german cock-roaches, paying for a gym membership and not going (a very expensive key chain)ALSO, I HONESTLY THINK I'M ALLERGIC TO STUPID PEOPLE.
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