♥Party Like A Rockstar ♥ profile picture

♥Party Like A Rockstar ♥

♥Be Sexy...Be True...Be Wild...Be You!! ♥

About Me

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I dont really like to talk about myself..but i'll try my best, after all no one knows me better than me. Well i've been through alot for a 17 year old..lots of changes, good and bad. Many learned experiences.. that have made me who I am today. I do not regret anything.. I have learned from it all. It has molded me into a wiser, postive, confident, optomistic, motivated and determined person. I have a big family..that i hold very close to my heart, they help me stay on track and keep me focused. I like to keep a smile on my face despite any circumstance (it doesn't mean I always do)..besides it tends to prevent nosy people's unecessary questions, not that their concern isn't appreciated :-) I'm what you call authentic, "real" is another word for it..what makes me real is being "me" 24/7 despite what people think. I'm not going to sit here and act like nothing bothers me..but what i'm saying is i'm not a follower, I make my own decisions based on my morals and values which i may add.. are very strong to me. I've done many things I am not proud of but I can proudly say i've learned from them and try my best not to make the same mistakes again. I despise people who try their best to belittle others..it just shows insecurity and weakness. I also despise people who just spend their time talking about others..when all along they could have spent that time doing something nice for someone or for themselves. I am the loving, caring, warm hearted outgoing down to earth type of girl.seeing others happy brings a smile to face, and therefore makes me happy. I will go out of my way at any time for the people .I do not hold grudges, it's a waste of time..life is too short. I'm a believer..I do not give up on something I believe in, not with out a fight. I love meeting different people and having a good conversation..learning new things. I am not judgemental, I give people the benifit of the doubt. I might be wrong alot of the time, but doesn't hurt to give people a chance. I am straight foward. so someone will definitely know when I feel something isn't right. I am hard headed at times and hate to hear the truth but will definitely let it be known that I appreciate it. I am very appreciative..the smallest things make me happy, I do not ask for alot..i'm a simple girl but definitely enjoys the finer things in life. I know what I deserve, and I will not settle for less. I don't deal with nonsense and have no time for drama..but the people i'm closest to dont have time for it either, so you won't find me in any unecessary predicament. Not that I haven't ever been in any. I mind my business, I dont bother with other peoples personal life unless they want to share it with me. I'm a good listener, and have been through alot to give wise advice. I have become smarter with people I choose to let in my life. I have many aquaintances, but very few close friends, those I have known for awhile. I plan on doing alot of traveling after I graduate school and get on my feet. .there are so many places I want to see, so many things I want to do. I am currently in home school but I wanna go to college to be a pediatric nurse..like I said I dont give up on what I want and will work hard at it.♥

My Interests


Things You Actually Really Want to Know About Me by onmyown2723
Height:: *5'3*
Weight:: *125*
Right or left-handed:: *RIGHT*
Heritage:: *BLACK*
Are you in love?:: *OF COURSE*
How do you alleviate stress?:: *TALK TO TRAVIS*
Do you swear?:: *SOMETIMES*
If you could have any job, what would it be?:: *I LIKE MY JOB NOW*
What are your favorite sports to watch?:: *BASKETBALL I GUESS*
What was your first car?:: * DONT HAVE ONE YET BUT I WANT A BMW*
What kind of car do you have now?:: *NONE*
Were you popular in high school?:: *NOT REALLY LOL*
Do you like thunderstorms?:: *DEPENDS*
Is the glass half empty or half full?:: *HALF FULL*
Best places you have ever been?:: *FLORIDA*
Favorite food?:: *PIZZA*
Least favorite food?:: *BBQ CHICKEN*
What type of music do you dislike most?:: *COUNTRY*
Do you take illegal drugs?:: *NOPE*
Do you believe in love at first sight?:: *YEAH*
If you're not in love now, have you ever been?:: *I AM IN LOVE*
Are you a risk taker?:: *YEAH*
What do you think about most?:: *TRAVIS*
Ever cheated on a b/f or g/f? Be honest!:: *YEAH*
Have you ever been to jail?:: *NOPE*
Do you wear contacts or glasses?:: *NO*
Hugs or kisses?:: *KISSES*
Living arrangements?:: *WITH PARENTS*
What is your bedtime?:: *ANYTIME*
Boxers, briefs, or boxer briefs?:: *BOXERS*
Piercings/tattoos?:: *PIERCINGS*
Biggest pet peeve?:: *?
I have low tolerance for people who:: *ARE FAKE*
Do you sleep with the T.V. on?:: *MOST OF THE TIME*
Do you have a T.V. in your bedroom?:: *YEAH*
Can you handle the truth?:: *OF COURSE*
Hair color?:: *BROWN*
What are you afraid of?:: *NOTHING REALLY*
Will you have sex with any pretty little thing or does it actually mean something?:: *IT MEANS SOMETHING*
Friend you've had the longest?:: *JEWEL*
Early bird or night owl?:: *NIGHT OWL*
Best advice you've ever received?:: *?*
Favorite quote?:: * LIVE LIFE TO THE FULLEST*
Favorite type of music?:: *RAP*
Biggest weakness?:: * ???*
Biggest fear?:: * DYING*
Are you close to your parents?:: *YEAH*
Any brothers or sisters?:: *YEAH BOTH*
Have a religion?:: *?
Views on politics?:: * WHO CARES*
Worst habits?:: *NONE*
What's one thing you'd like to do but haven't done yet?:: *GO TO HAWAII*
Where do you picture yourself in five years?:: * MARRIED WITH TRAVIS*
Are you laid back or high strung?:: *LAID BACK*
Do you like to try new things?:: *YEA*
Is family important to you?:: *OF COURSE*
Are you optimistic or pessimistic?:: *OPTIMISTIC*
Have you ever been engaged?:: *NOT YET*
Favorite places you've been?:: *FLORIDA*
Are you a procrastinator?:: *SOMETIMES*
Fly or drive?:: *DRIVE*
Favorite pasttime?:: *TRAVIS*
Longest relationship?:: *2 YEARS*
Biggest mistake?:: * ????*
Craziest thing you've ever done?:: *PUT KY JELLY IN OLD PPLS CARTS*LOL JEWEL
Like to party?:: *SOMETIMES*
Drink a lot (of alcohol)?:: *NOT REALLY*
Set your own path or follow the crowd?:: *SET MY OWN PATH*
Like kids?:: *YEAH*
*In a boyfriend/girlfriend*
Hair color?:: *BROWN*
Body type?:: *AVERAGE*
Personality?:: *NICE AND FUNNY*
Style of clothing?:: *ANYTHING THAT LOOKS GOOD*
Do they have to be popular?:: *NOT REALLY*
Turn-on?:: *HIS SINGING*
Long hair or short?:: *SHORT*
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