I am interested in almost anything... But I love Girls(of course), Hip Hop/Rap, Video Games, Sports, like Baseball, Basketball, And Football, but my real love is Films!!! Im talking mostly films that stay away from the same old plot and go above and beyond, and ones that make u think and are very abnormal and controversial.
P.T. Anderson, Gus Van Sant, Quentin Tanrantino, M. Night Shayamalan (pretty much any writer/director)
When I grow up I want to be just like these people... NirvanaThe BeatlesLed ZeppelinToolQueens of the Stone AgeSmashing PumpkinsThe PixiesNine Inch NailsRage Against The MachineRadiohead
I am a movie fanatic so i got a lot... CHILDREN OF MEN, Grindhouse, Pan's Labyrinth, The Departed, Sin City, Saving Private Ryan, Cache, Fight Club, Schindlers List, Ocean's 11, American History X, Pulp Fiction, Resorvior Dogs, Kill Bill vol. 1 & 2, American Beauty, The Matrix Trilogy, The LOTR Trilogy, The Star Wars Saga, Goodfellas, The Godfather, City of God, and Requiem For A Dream.www.anotherversionofthetruth.com
A Lot like Family Guy, Heroes, LOST, Friday Night Lights, CSI:, and Jericho is hella tight too
NUN I hate 2 read, except for the Da Vinci Code, i loved that book!!
My family and friends i guess....