The cosmos is big. Every atom in the entire universe has at least one electron zipping around it to create its perceived border. There's a straight line of linked electrons from you to anywhere, anyone, anything. Nothing is really solid, and nothing is really existing without their electron barrier... imagine if all of jah's (the cosmos's if you will) electrons stopped. The entire universe would flatten to nothing and none of us would be more than miniscule inanimate subatomic particles.
When you think about it like that it's pretty badass that you're alive... because beyond the need for a constant vibration effort from your electrons, every single one of your ancestors survived. Every human in your bloodline, back to pre-recorded history lived and evolved and struggled long enough to create the next in your chain of being. Beyond the humans is the bigger evolutions like way back when our molecules were first forming into cells and learning to function as life... planktons and algaes and eventually the division of those who will produce to survive and those who will consume to survive... the division of plant and animal that is. Billions of years of science project after science project succeeding and advancing and evolving, eventually developing a self healing, infinitely evolvable machine to protect and express the thoughts of the most potent tool of all. Still constantly evolving, every day in the short term and long. But before the plankton the monkies and the men... before Gaia (mother earth) was even born... before our sun was born or the planets amassed around it... before there was even elements or complex gasses there was hydrogen, the simplest little element. Gathering with itself in gravitational reaction, gaining density and size and mass. Gathering enough of itself to become more dense in its center and begin to generate heat with all of those electrons zooming under that stellar cloud of hydrogen... until it hits the tipping point and sparks a star. Bam you have it, and it is born, it lives, it dies. Through its life it morphs hydrogen into helium with its heat and intensity (creating a new paint for jah's pallet which leads to new star forms and consequently to new elements), and eventually it goes supernova and casts altered and new atoms out into the universe to be mixed and changed more by more stars, now forming from different elements which didnt exist prior. Eventually you get the periodic table, and planets are possible... and this one happens to be in proximity to its star such that it is perfect incubating temperatures with perfect humidity. What are the ODDS? More than astronomical... and THEN ... THEN... THEN after all of that you have that whole evolutionary process i previously underexplained from the algae to man... its fucking astounding! and YOU are ALIVE! Trip on that, and we never even talked about the number of genetic combinations a DNA sequence can take on from the same parents... you're a fuckin miracle. You have life, and you have Jah (i and i)... what are you gonna do?
I want to meet you.