CSI, Discovery Channel, Science channel, MTV, BET, MUN2, History Channel, Animalz, watevaz clevaz
Rock,Alternative,metal(jus some of them),Punk Rock(some songz),Emo,Reggaeton,reggae(same Crap),Hip Hop,Rap( not as much tough,they talk bout the same thing but i stiil like it always),POP,Freestyle(mom loves it),etc. Except country
Forest Gump,Shawshank,war movies,Get Rich or Die Tryin,outsiderz,holez,Damn to say the truth i've seen so many movies that im like a human blockbuster I cant remember rite now lol
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the Outsiderz,Fallen Angelz(WAr Book),holez,Alice(4got the whole title lol),Science Bookz,WatchTower,awake magazines,Animal Books,and i dont know i like a whole bunch of books.
Jehovah :GOD