Documental Rastafari - Haile Selassie Video in English
...just conscious, righteous and true Sistrin & Bredren from all over the World...for INITY IS STRENGHT... and it's important to stand Inited and to be strong in this Time of Hatred,War & Crime, Jelousy & Vanity...ESEKIEL 37. 22 "...and I will make them One Nation in the Land upon the Mountains of Israel; and ONE KING SHALL BE KING TO THEM ALL; and they shall be no more two Nations, neither shall they be divided into Two Kingdoms any more at all: 23...neither shall they defile themselves any more with their Idols, nor with their detestable Things, nor with any of their Transgressions: but I will save them out of all their Dwellingplaces, wherein they have sinned, and will cleanse them : SO SHALL THEY BE MY PEOPLE, AND I WILL BE THEIR GOD..."..MAY THE BLESSINGS OF MOST HIGH JAH ITINUE TO FLOW FROM ABOVE....