J.M Lovvorn profile picture

J.M Lovvorn

I am here for Friends and Networking

About Me

My name is Jared I'm 22 years old. I write Sword sorcery fantasy Novels when I feel like it, I have interests in philosophy, psychology, sociology, RP video games, creative writing, and religion.Additionally about friends requests, I deny 99.9% of them my strategy is this.you friend request, unless you look like one of those adult dating sites those get instant deletion. I will view your profile if you don't seem the interesting type then I deny you if you don't have your page filled I deny you, if you have one picture and it looks like something you found on Google then I deny you. if I get the feeling that you are close minded or very ignorant or both then well I deny you see a pattern here? I don't have time for people who can't think for themselves.additionally I will probably not even want to meet any of you in person, and defiantly not date you, I am here for intelligent open minded people who really do think for themselves not just duplicate what someone else said, if your conclusion is the same then fine but put it in your own words, if you sound rehearsed please go bother someone else.Also.I have very controversial view on most things and I don't just mean the every day controversial views that everyone has. I mean view that can be liberal to a point that liberals become conservative about. I also dislike at the same time as like. fundamentalists. Whether your Christan,Jewish, Buddhist,Mormon,Wiccan,satanist, a follower of Islam or no religion at all. I don't care as long as you don't think your right and everyone who disagrees with you is wrong. we will get along fine. Now that I've covered why I dislike fundamentalists I will say why I like them, I enjoy listening to them on occasion because they tend to know a lot about their chosen belief.which in essence allows me to incorporate their closed minded yet very opinionated beliefs thereby making me able to understand humanity as a whole far more simple and far more interesting.I am always trying to learn more and at any given time I only really care about one person besides myself. and that person is my fiance Chelsea Chamberlain.Additionally I do not believe the in American dream, and I think people that do build their lives around the belief that bigger is better are idiots unable to comprehend the world in all it glory. Strength comes through the persuit of wisdom. and wisdom comes through experience. so all those who compress themselves into a mold are fools and are a waste of human life. So that ends that. still wanna be my friend? If so go ahead and send me an invite if you made it this far without hating me then obviously you are open minded enough to be worth my while to talk to. Other wise go away spread your viral ignorance to somewhere else. _____________________________________________________

My Interests

I'd like to meet:

Robin Williams,JRR Tolkien, Lafayette Ronald Hubbard(better known as L Ron Hubbard). Peirs Antony, J.K roweling. Osama bin laden. Hitler, George Washington. Marie Antoinette. Robert the Bruce. George Lucas, Quinton Tarintino, Robert Rodriguez(I'll let you meet him to Alicia)Jonny Depp, Jesus Christ, Gandhi, the guys who made Monty python, Jim Henson, Brian Froud ( I already kinda met him)Walt Disney, general Lee, Al gore... tons of other people not because I worship them but rather because they would be interesting to meet

My Blog

It is time.

I think its time. time for me to recap my last years of friendship.I take myself back to 2004 the year I graduated near five years ago now. then I take myself back yet again to 2001 the year i joined ...
Posted by on Mon, 01 Dec 2008 21:32:00 GMT

It happens

As many of you know once every few month i post a blog about my life, so many things pulse through my head. you see I've been on a thin line for some time at workMaureen the owner has be itching to fi...
Posted by on Sun, 21 Sep 2008 00:44:00 GMT

back in action

Im back in action, this time with a new job and a new set of responsibilities. for those of you who don't know. For about three weeks now i have been a Manager at dickies barbeque in Durham NC, i have...
Posted by on Mon, 05 May 2008 19:57:00 GMT


here I am where I dident want to be, doing what I dident want to do. and im stuck here until I magicly get a job or the job market picks up so I can magicaly get a job. I hate unemployment but who doe...
Posted by on Fri, 28 Mar 2008 11:14:00 GMT

solituide...for a time.

ello folks. Im moving in to my new place tomorrow the 15th of oct. and im nto going to have online access for a few days. so if you want to chitty chat with me give me a call. just thought id let you ...
Posted by on Sun, 14 Oct 2007 15:53:00 GMT

yeah well...

today we rant about life...and lovefor the first time in a long time I'm kind of lonly, I mean to the extent of being aware of my lonliness. my life is slowing down finally and its catching up to me. ...
Posted by on Wed, 03 Oct 2007 14:06:00 GMT

i wrote this a little while ago(alicia you already read this)

I wrote this shortly before coming to nc I belive I figured in light of my new "freinds" I might as well make ita a public blog just to give a basic idea of alot of what I think on random topics."I am...
Posted by on Tue, 25 Sep 2007 15:26:00 GMT


exaustion does much to ones mind it causes it to twist and turn to say hurtful things and to make decisions that are not well thought. therfore i wish every who speaks to me late at night  until ...
Posted by on Thu, 06 Sep 2007 06:08:00 GMT

so many...

so many pains and fears, a fool i am to feel this way lonsomeness and solituide have disrupted my mind , maybe it the fact that the solituide is not in my own home but in the homes of another. so i fe...
Posted by on Wed, 05 Sep 2007 18:54:00 GMT

Shadows(how unoriganal lol)

    my mind is a twisted mess, always is, always will be. But as twisted as it may be I can see no reason why a mass of twisted and abstract thoughts ever should be changed.   ...
Posted by on Mon, 03 Sep 2007 15:11:00 GMT