Top Movie Of Our Choosing
Fan Mail: RE: Aaron Cobb
When Ryan Bray and Michael LeBlanc got together one night and wrote a script for a movie they wanted to film, they realized one problem; they did not own a camera.
Fast forward a two years later. Michael's awesome wife Amanda gets a digital camera for their anniversary and then Michael gets one too out of sheer jealousy. Michael and Ryan hijack the wife's camera, hoard Michael's, and give painful birth to what is now Low Tea Films.
Where does the name "Low Tea" come from? Well Ryan decides one day to draw an demon in his sketch pad. Written in a word bubble coming from the demon are two random word Ryan found floating around in his head. "Low" and "Tea". Ryan later shows Michael the drawing and Low Tea Productions was born.
About Michael: Michael is a happy guy who enjoys making the films. With his wife Amanda by his side they control where the camera is and what it shoots.
Michael is great when it comes to doing impressions and changing his voice. That's why he plays the voice of God and Lucy in Ryan van Winkle, as well as more role to come in the future.
About Ryan: Ryan is the visionary behind and in front of the camera. He has come up with many ideas for what is Low Tea and what will become of Low Tea. But he would not have been able to do it without Michael. Ryan comes up with most of the ideas for Low Tea based off either Michael's ideas or his own.
About Geoffrey: The Great Hostile Takeover of Low Tea ended in what was the great year of 2008. Geoffrey Duck overthrew (murdered) the previous owner of Low Tea, Waldolf Guttenhiem and then claimed the Throne of Low Tea. Which is to say he claimed the old, broken down recliner in the living room.
HA! We have not the money for a throne!
If it weren't for him, however, Low Tea wouldn't have stood a chance, for Waldolf, in all of his infinite wisdom, refused to make films. For his filming company. Yeah, there's a reason Geoffrey won.
What's to say about a production crew that is willing to sweat, dive, scream till we're hoarse, climb on rusted equipment, and risk tetanus just to deliver fun? We'll tell you what to say... 'Thanks'.