♥A style of vagina grab:
Common usage:
"That guy just did the Sarah on that girl over there!"
Throw your expectations out the window.
♥I'm obsessed with Mickey Avalon.
♥Black is my favorite color.
♥I have strange obsessions... Knees socks, clear Pepsi, the taste of keys, MUST eat red gummy bears...
♥I constantly quote gangster rap.
♥I'm walking TMZ, g'head, ask me anything.
♥Food just isn't the same without a plethora of sauces.
♥Hair brushing is overrated.
♥Pirate is my ideal career.
♥Good lighting is key.
♥I have a phobia of stairs, butterflies and fish.
♥I like boring domestic beer, and gourmet food.
♥I'm shorter than you think.
♥I enjoy eating animals. Mmm steak.
♥I would say I'm an over the top/humble kinda girl who's like one of the guys.
♥I am a nature enthusiast to the maximus and love being outside as much as possible.
♥I think the 80's were bodacious.
♥I frequently over use the phrases, "Fuck" "God Damn" "Hella" and "Classy".
♥I'm SoCal trash, and i'm too proud.
♥I think success can be achieved with tattoos and piercings.
♥I've been rich, i've been poor, and I think every person on the face of this planet should spend a week as both...
♥Oh and I pretty much hate everyone I don't know.
Myspace Layout Stealer