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I just dont want her to know!!

About Me

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I am Adam......I love to ride street bikes......really anything that moves a county boy in and out......not really looking for a relationship.....but if the oppertunity knocks i will open the door haha.......anything else im me....radykalrydez88

My Interests

interest consist of Sports, hunting, riding, friends, but most importantly my business...I love my business and what I do...and the second interest is finding a good girl....who has goals of her own.......I love my friends....and I wouldnt trade my past for the world

I'd like to meet:

I love meeting new people...bascially anyone who can be themselves and just have fun


The Official Fill-in-the-Blank Biography
Chapt. 1: The Basics
Initials: RAW
Middle Name: Adam
Nickname: Smallville
Sex: love it
Date of Birth: May 24, 1985
Star Sign: gemini
Place of Birth: altoona
Current Location: west chester or claysburg
Height: 5 10
Weight: 170
Hair Length: short
Hair Colour: brown
Eye Colour: either blue or green
Skin Tone (Light, Medium, Dark): medium
Piercings: none yet
Tattoos: soon
Scars and Birthmarks: none
Chapt. 2: The Background
Mother's Name: christy
Mother's Occupation: store owner
Mother's Hometown: claysburg
Father's Name: bruce
Father's Occupation: owner
Father's Hometown: claysburg
Do you live with your parents?: no
Do you get along with your parents?: yes
Are your parents married/separated/divorced?: nope
Do you have any siblings? If yes, do you get along?: one brother and yes
What pets do you have?: dog and 2 cats
Did you grow up in a different place than where you live now?: nope
Where did you spend your summers as a child?: beach, jamiaca, bahamas, cozamel mexico, cancuun
What was the name of your elementary school?:
Who were your best friends in elementary school?:
Who was your favorite teacher in elementary school?:
What was your best memory from elementary school?:
What was your worst memory from elementary school?:
What was the name of your junior high school?:
Who were your best friends in junior high school?:
Who was your favorite teacher in junior high school?:
What was your best memory from junior high school?:
What was your worst memory from junior high school?:
What was the name of your high school?:
Who were your best friends in high school?: aaron, todd, josh
Who was your favorite teacher in high school?: miss smith
What was your best memory from high school?: o my alot
What was your worst memory from high school?: i dunno
Out of elementary, junior high or high school which did you like best?: highschool
Did you ever go to the same school as your siblings?: yes
Did you ever go to the same school as your parents?: nope
What is your family's cultural heritage?: german, italian, native american
Chapt. 3: The Favourites
City: i dont like cities
Vacation Spot: cruises rock
Sport: bball
Food: pizza
Dessert: raspberry pie
Drink (Non-Alcoholic): mountain dew
Drink (Alcoholic): miller light
Place to Eat: jethros
Ice Cream Flavour: butter pecan
Season: fall
Holiday: none
Clothing Brand: aero, american eagle, buckle, holister
Make-Up Brand: well....lemme see...shut up
Shampoo and Conditioner: i dunno wutever is there
Supermodel: cameron diez
Athletic Team: cowboyz
Old Nickolodeon Show:
Number: 13
Colour: blue
Phrase: hell no
Magazine: outdoors
Cheesy Pick-Up Line: did it hurt...huh..did it hurt....when u feel from the sky did it hurt??haha stupid shit
Language: italian
Country: italy
Girl's Name: chh i dunno
Boy's Name: skyler
Chapt. 4: This or That?
Lefty/Righty: righty
Rock/Country: both
Diamonds/Pearls: diamonds
Blondes/Brunettes: brunettes
New York/Montana: montana
USA/Canada: usa
Gold/Silver: gold ..its worth more haha
Hummer Limo/Stretch: hummer
Gatorade/Powerade: gatorade
Diet Coke/Regular: regular
Chicken Fingers/Chicken Nuggets: finger
McDonalds/Burger King: Mcd's
Subway/Taco Bell: both
Gravol/Peptil Bismol: huh
Plane/Train: plane
Skiing/Snowboarding: snowboarding
Cliff Diving/Shark Diving: to do both
East Coast/West Coast: east
Marissa Cooper/Summer Roberts:
George Bush/John Kerry: george bush
Britney Spears/Christina Aguilera: brittany
Charlotte York/Samantha Jones:
Lindsay Lohan/Hilary Duff: hillary duff
The O.C./Laguna Beach: laguna
The Flinstones/The Jetsons: flinstones
Full House/Fresh Prince of Bel-Air: fresh prince
Growing Pains/Boy Meets World: boy meets world
The Brady Bunch/The Partridge Family: brady bunch
Peanut Butter/Jelly: both
Creamy/Crunchy: creamy
Red Rover/Capture the Flag: capture the flag
Mother May I/Simon Says: simon says
Lake/Pool: lake
Snow Day/Spring Day: depends
Chihuahua/Bernese Mountain Dog: chihuahua
London/Paris: paris
Shower/Bath: shower
Love/Money: haha both..but rather be in love
Nike/Adidas: nike
Peanuts/Crackerjacks: carackerjacks
Fruity Pebbles/Cocoa Puffs: none
Target/Wal-mart: walmart
AIM/MSN Messenger: aim
Manolo Blahnik/Birkenstock:
Coco Chanel/Louis Vuitton:
Janice Dickinson/Twiggy Lawson:
City Mouse/Country Mouse: country mouse
Winter Olympics/Summer Olympics: winter
Pink Wristband/Yellow Wristband: pink
Summer Wheatly/Pedro Sanchez:
Liberal/Conservative: liberal
Chapt. 5: Do You...
Sing in the shower?: yes
Write memos on your hand?: sometimes
Call people back?: yea
Have your driver's liscense?: yea
Believe in a thing called love?: dunno anymore
Knock on wood?: yea
Sleep on a certain side of the bed?: yes
Speak another language?: some spanish and german
Have citizenship to more than one country?: no
Think you're attractive?: dont matta if i do
Wear glasses or contact lenses?: nope
Have any weird pet peeves?: lol prolly
Have any weird hobbies?: nope
Like your life so far?: haha its been fun
Chapt. 6: Have You Ever...
Gone skinny dipping?: hell yes
Worn braces?: yes
Smoked a cigarette?: haha yea
Smoked a cigar?: yea
Smoked anything else?: yea
Broken a bone?: nope
Had stitches?: yea
Kissed a member of the same sex?: hell no
Shoplifted?: lol
Punched someone in the face?: yea
Skipped school?: yea
Flown first class?: yea
Traveled to another continent?: yea
Used racial slurs?: yea
Taken pain killers?: yea
Taken sleeping pills?: yea
Rode in a limousine?: yea
Gone SCUBA diving?: yea
Been stung by a jellyfish?: yea
Been stung by a bee?: yea
Thrown up in a restaurant?: no
Made a snow angel?: yea=)
Been to overnight camp?: yea
Written a letter to Santa Claus?: nope
Sworn in front of your parents?: yea
Had detention?: yea
Been sent to the principal's office?: yea
Screamed: yea
Made a prank phone call?: yea
Been to the opposite end of the country?: yea
Been called a bitch?: no
Been called a whore?: no
Been called a prude?: no
Met someone famous?: yea
Slept naked?: yea
Gone streaking?: no
Play ding-dong-ditch?: no
Climbed a tree?: yes
Been kissed under a mistel toe?: yes
Had a threesome?: i wishhhhhh haha
Chapt. 7: Pick Your Perfect...
Pizza: pepperoni and mushroom
Bagel: plain with lots of cream cheese
Sandwich: buffalo chicken
Sundae: hot fudge
Date: whatever i feel like doin for the day
Outfit: hmm got alot of them
Chapt. 9: Random
If you could take back one thing from your childhood, what would it be?: Nuthing...I never regret anything...because at that time i was doing exactly wut i wanted
Would you rather win an Oscar or Nobel Prize?: none
What time do you get up in the morning?: 7
What time do you go to sleep?: whenever
If you could bring 5 items with you to a desert island, what would they be?: , cell phone, gun, house, food store, plane
Do you prefer blonde hair or brown hair on the opposite sex?: brown
What's one thing you've always wanted to do, but haven't done yet?: had a serious relationship
If you were on death row, what would you request for your final meal?: shoot me in the head
If you could travel anywhere in the world, which location would you pick?: italy
Name 5 people in history who you'd like to invite to a dinner party?: ben franklin, thomas edison, george washington, albert einstein, winston churchhill
Poof! It's a genie! What are your 3 wishes?: billionaire, love, good life
If you could be anything/one you want, who/what would you be?: someone thats happy=)
If you were a Super Hero, what would your power be?: strength
If the world floods and you can only save 1 animal species, you'll save...: cat
What are the last 4 digits of your cell phone number?: 5041
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MY HERO IS MY DAD!!! I love my family and I would do anything for them...they are the best people ever!!!!!!!!!

My Blog

answer these 4 me

WHAT WOULD YOU DO IF:I committed suicide:I said I liked you:I kissed you:I lived next door to you:I started smoking:I stole something:I was hospitalized:I ran away from home:WHAT DO YOU THINK ABOUT MY...
Posted by Adam on Tue, 03 Jan 2006 08:32:00 PST

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Current mood: crushed Gurlfriend. a.p.p...... BASICS: Name:Age: Location:Height:Hair (color and style):Eyes: Piercings/tattoos:OTHER: 1. Where would we go on dates?2. Who are three (or more) o...
Posted by Adam on Mon, 02 Jan 2006 02:48:00 PST

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Who are you? Are we friends? If so have we ever fallen out? WHY? When and how did we meet? Do you have a crush on me? Would you kiss me? Give me a nickname and explain why you picked it. Describe me i...
Posted by Adam on Thu, 22 Dec 2005 07:39:00 PST

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Have we kissed? Do you want to? What would you like our relationship to be? Have we dated? Did you like it? Do you want to date? Are we close friends? Would you be here if I needed you? Are you attrac...
Posted by Adam on Thu, 22 Dec 2005 07:37:00 PST