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BoMo (Beau Moreau)

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Shot at hardcoremix

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Member Since: 11/30/2005
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Sounds Like: The Big Takeover - top-ten <>Suzanne Baran’s Top Ten — June 18 <>18 June 2006 <>Not just indie all the time… <>Beau Moreau – In Too Deep (self-recorded) <>This young guitar maven has ELLIOT SMITH’s pipes. <>"some of ur songs are so sad...i'm so touched by your voice its so sullen and full of sorrow..kinda reminds me of Jeff Buckley....keep up the good heart felt in therapy for it..."
Type of Label: None

My Blog

Article and video in Visalia Delta

Beau Moreau is a new Visalia resident for a reason. It's the music," said Moreau, 27, one of hundreds of people who funneled into Visalia's downtown Saturday night as the second annual Visalia All Mu...
Posted by BoMo (Beau Moreau) on Tue, 14 Oct 2008 01:25:00 PST

"Cold Days" lyrics

Icy winds blow down this way. The warm days have gone. Winter time, small town. Smells like pine, I taste you now. Winter time is not for freezing. It's a place to go. I promise I will hold you. Till ...
Posted by BoMo (Beau Moreau) on Mon, 06 Oct 2008 09:07:00 PST

Riddles out of Rhymes

Why make riddles out of rhymes? Confidence is not conceit and you are no judge. Small minds breeding tiny ideas. In the middle of a cutthroat masquerade. Things are never as they seem. In all&nbs...
Posted by BoMo (Beau Moreau) on Wed, 17 Sep 2008 02:03:00 PST

Material and emotional convenience is the death of love

Have these wretched events been set into motion? Pre visualized in my deepest lucid slumber. Does the convenience entice you so? A torrent of persuasion and I walk on glass. Whispers of sentiment and ...
Posted by BoMo (Beau Moreau) on Wed, 06 Aug 2008 01:29:00 PST

Our quest for perfection results in undeniable failure

Have our expectations exceeded the potential of reality?Or is reality simply a falsity created by society's puppeteers?Our perception of reality and really real are two different things.With our eyes ...
Posted by BoMo (Beau Moreau) on Mon, 14 Jul 2008 03:07:00 PST

Collective divergence from natural law in exchange for material values

Major leaders from around the world are part of a united effort to remain in power forever. To do so people are lured into the trap of perpetual debt, making it impossible to be paid back by the peopl...
Posted by BoMo (Beau Moreau) on Thu, 03 Jul 2008 11:43:00 PST

Creation is infinite

Creation.She must have been God's finest canvass.Consuming man's adoration voraciously.I no longer fear my vibrant adversary. I defeat him with valor and intellect. In a kingdom where rules cease to e...
Posted by BoMo (Beau Moreau) on Wed, 18 Jun 2008 01:14:00 PST

Words are worthless but........

All that encompasses my visual perspective.What surpasses my known existence.If people could see further or think deeper.Accept that the truth is a candy coated falsity.Actual reality makes more sense...
Posted by BoMo (Beau Moreau) on Thu, 22 May 2008 12:36:00 PST

"5 Wisdom Teeth 3" Lyrics

This is an intergalactic love affairI'll take the elevator and you take the stairsLooking at pictures taken of you and meI had 5 wisdom teeth and you only had 3Wont hold my breath cause some things ne...
Posted by BoMo (Beau Moreau) on Mon, 19 May 2008 05:36:00 PST

Seasons of Life

We were set ablaze within this shower of lights.Supersonic speed soaring through the sky.We could lie down so long as seasons pass.A blanket of leaves we harbor our thoughts.Words are spoken but the t...
Posted by BoMo (Beau Moreau) on Thu, 15 May 2008 12:04:00 PST