.Music.Ocean. Sun.Surfing.Waves. Peace. PalmTrees. Starbucks. Juicy.Brunch. Snowboarding. GrassWhistling. Biking.Running.Sushi. RockSkipping. HelloKitty. OffRoading. PS2.Records. Mountains.Snow. Lamborghini's. Love.
Good people who love the beach, conquering un-charted territory, Snow, have a PS2, and can get down with a space bag.Those are my kind of people.
AnyThiNg tHaT wIlL GeT Me HiGh On ThE SoUnD
I 3 OwEn WilSoN
Legs McNeil,Brett Easton Ellis, Nietzsche,Hunter s.Thompson,Jack Kerouac,Sophie Kinsella,Steven Chbosky,Tom Wolfe,Benjamin Hoff,Laurel Hamilton,Steinbeck,Aleister Crowley,Arthur Nersesian,Anne Tyler,Melvin Burgess,M.E.Kerr William S.Burroughs,Francesca Block,Janet Evanovich,Chuck palahniuk,Joe Meno,C.D.Payne,Kurt Vonnegut,Chuck Klosterman
our heroes are ghosts.