Alex profile picture


I am here for Dating and Friends

About Me

Hmm. This is's all about nuances. How can I convey what I need to convey about me (since this is so very important, of course) in just a few short declarative sentences? Option one would be a poetic paragraph or so, carefully written so as to squeeze every last drop of connotative juice out of each word, phrase, and punctuation mark, and hopefully somehow mystically communicate my soul to the attentive listener in one permanently blinding flash. Option two would be a painfully self-conscious introduction followed by a bulleted list. Looks like we're already well into option two, so here goes:
*is lukewarm about sports except the IDEA of soccer
*is very concerned about spending time wisely
*is not sure whether brains are a net benefit, on a species-wide or an individual basis
*cannot explain why he likes drawing, computer programming, "jamming" (musically), and other quasi-masturbatory activities so much, given that he is a notorious extrovert
*that last bit is actually a lie, I think
*is probably slightly shorter than the average American male
*is definitely significantly TALLER than the average American mole
*is indeed wearing fake chest hair in that picture to the left
*is not sure whether he is a serious person
*hahaa! Little did you know, what you just read WAS a poetic soul-revealing paragraph after all and now you're blind and covered in connotative juices as well! Language has SCREWED you!!

My Interests

I'd like to meet:

People not too interested in life's problems...who never talk about them directly...but for whom these problems are a CONSTANT UNDERLYING SOURCE OF DREAD and amusement and the meaning of life.
Also: this train------

My Blog

Thoughts on ¶

I've been sketching storyboards all week for my upcoming blog entry entitled "¶", but lo and behold, I have passionately torn up and thrown out every attempt!! I have come to the conclusion that the d...
Posted by on Tue, 08 May 2007 18:14:00 GMT


I just had a dream featuring: (a) a small glowing alien who forges an intimate relationship with a young man and helps him to overcome the effects of sexual abuse, (b) a battle on the ocean between tw...
Posted by on Sun, 01 Oct 2006 13:20:00 GMT

My triumphant return to blogging

Well, it's been a few years since I left the blogging trade in disgrace and anger after my blog posts failed to provoke any sort of reaction. Well guess what! I've gotten comments on my blog so I'm ba...
Posted by on Tue, 12 Sep 2006 22:18:00 GMT

Well, everyone, it's my first BLONG entry!

Man, I've been using the internet for a long time but this is my first crack at real, high-speed BLONGING! Hmm. I guess you're supposed to tell about interesting things that happen to you here, expres...
Posted by on Wed, 29 Sep 2004 19:57:00 GMT

Screw this, I'm never blonging again

I'm tired of this blong thing, it doesn't DO anything. Nobody has commented on my posting. It's over. This will be my last entry.
Posted by on Wed, 29 Sep 2004 12:33:00 GMT