MaTtEo profile picture


Intelligenti Pauca!!!

About Me

Toulouse Lautrec, photography, video production,dark bitter chocolate,peppermint tea, unplanned adventures,backpacks, redhead girls, polyester shirts,Black and white movies, Tandoori chicken, cabernet and cheese, sea in winter,music boxes, vintage sunglasses, vintage jackets, geography, history, Medieval literacture, John Coltraine, Baxter Keaton, Alberto Sordi, washed green T-shirts,Paul Butterfield, homemade preserve, olive trees, fresh basil, Bossa Nova, Norway in summer, Mediterranean sunset, surf-boards,ice coffee, cheap clothes, birkenstocks, scented candles, talking for hours on a bench during summer at 3:00am wearing shorts and sandals, the smell of antique stores, vanilla soy milk, retro vespa scooters, vynils,liquirice bars, beach at twilight, grappa after supper, amateur soccer tournaments, frisbees, rugby, my rusty bike, posters, smell of fresh baked cinnamon cookies, sassy german girls ;), far east arts, coconuts, beer in cans, fresh cut grass, college radio stations

My Interests


Alarm Clocks, Chocolate Watchband, Link Wray, The Warlocks(AKA Grateful Dead), the Kinks, The Standells,The Yardbirds, The Small Faces, the Rolling Stones w/Brian Jones,Count Five, The Pretty Things, Small Faces...All the psych-beat and surf garage from 58 to 64....and I like also...Wilco, Velvet Underground, Mogwai, Boards of Canada, June of 44, Galaxie 500, Will Oldham, Bob Dylan, Sebadoh, Sufjan Stevens, David Dondero, The Clean, Explosion in the sky, Johnny Thunders, Asil Hadkins, Brian Eno and the list can goes on for ever....I love music all kind, regardless...what I heart I listen to!


Rome open City, Casablanca, Last year at Mariembad, The Discret Charm of the Bourgeoisie, Easy Rider, The passenger, Investigation of a Citizen Above Suspicion, the Indian Runner, cold fever, O brother where art thou


" The asiatics" by Frederick Prokosh, Ten Little Indians by Sherman Alexi, Faulkner, Edgar Allan Poe,"Episode" Pierre Dellatre, "Death in Venice" by Thomas Mann