jeSus savaGe profile picture

jeSus savaGe

dO it or i will kiCk U in your ASSHOLE!!!

About Me

"i hAte my LifE, i HatE my jOB, i WanNA' bUrn thIs mUThA DoWN!" & my SIsteR wUZ LikE, "U bEtTeR noT, YoU BeTTer nOT!"..."i dO wat i Do beSt!"

My Interests

tahitian dRumming...and tryin' to understand females

I'd like to meet:

JESSiCA ALBA!!! O' & ya' CAN'T 4get C.p.K. (the food is delicious and nutrious)


"dRed" hiRo's GreateSt hitS...and my hOmies, bOy& Kev'S undergrOund Shit frOm the EIGHTOTHGIE State!...the sOund Of the PERFECT StOrm; Thunder, Lightning & Rain.


aS of rite nOw it's gOtta be "TRIPPIN'"...hOnduras & cOsta riCa


i dunno if you ever heard of this story, "Return Of The Brown Notebook."


where in the world is DARREN MALABABABANABNONON!!!!!!!