SOLO profile picture


Fuck ya I'm good by myself (yeah nigga im talkin' to ya)

About Me

This is me take it or leave it but dont complain about it later. 1.Loyal 2.Honest (brutally honest) 3.Goofy 4.Serious 5.Selfish 6.Giving (even my last) 7.Highly irritable 8.Easily pleased 9.Of my word (all a man/woman really has in the end) 10.A Gemini (my mood changes from outspoken to quiet quickly)Note:If you are trying to get to know me here's a quick hint to tell if theres a problem when asked if there's a problem 98% of the time i'll say "im straight"

My Interests

I'd like to meet:

I know most people be like "im willing to meet anyone well not me i am cool by myself now. I have had too many people in and out of my life 2 i can admit to being my fault for their reason to leave but others have been just people changing and trying to damn hard to keep up with "the JOnes" as my father used to say. I think by now its too late for me to meet a real homeboy and as for a female i will never say its too late but I aint looking for no clubbin' every week or other week, shopaholic, self endulged, wanna be baller. I am cool with a person that works hard or knows what it's like to want and not be able to have because I am not a baller Farrrrrr from it and dont feel like pretending to be what im not to get something i really dont want. "; I edited my profile at , check out these Myspace Layouts!