After high school I attended the world renowned North Harris and Montgomery Community Colleges. I worked my butt off at good ole HEB to pay for my tuition. Unfortunately it was getting to the point that I couldn’t afford it and getting student loans didn’t sound appealing to me. Then one gloomy day Tommy Clare and Joe VanStraten walked into the store fresh home from Marine Corp boot camp all pumped with enthusiasm and filling the air with stink. Six months later I found myself in San Diego, CA with my life long friend Patrick Schellinger, getting our heads shaved and having my ass kicked by a man with a voice taller than he was. Three months after that and some 20 pounds lighter I graduated from boot camp and headed off to school/training in 29 Palms. I married Judith Solano in July of 2002 and then headed off to my first tour of duty in Iraq January 2003. Six months later, upon my return, Judith and I headed off to Camp Lejeune/Jacksonville which is the armpit of North Carolina. Then in March of 2005 I headed off to Iraq for my second tour of duty. While I was there Judith gave birth to our first child, Savannah Jayde Weller. In just a few short months the three of us will be moving to Hawaii for the next four years, so book in advance to come and visit.
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House of Pain or Crack Cocaine
Where should I begin, I guess this all started from when I was deployed the first time in 2003. To say that my wife loves television would be an understatement, its more like an addiction. &nbs... Posted by on Sun, 04 Dec 2005 19:21:00 GMT