Oh Effing Man Kyle profile picture

Oh Effing Man Kyle

.. .. deking.. 6/23/08

About Me

im kyle bailey im 15 gonna be 16 real soon oh man, im in 10th grade <33 i have the most amazing girlfreind ever, shelby rae adams :> she means a lot to me, your deking on it, no matter what im smiling when im with her :>> i love you babe <33 i like to skate and hang out with my freinds and eating oh man, p cakes are the dankest food ever holy shit i want some right now ha, but yah i like to just to fuck around with my freinds and do dumb stuff thats fun, iv got in some trouble in the last year but gotta change that one more time and im fucked, but i love hanging out with my sister and brother life would suck dick with out them dont even know. i got some good freinds that i can really trust you know who you are. i like going to the skatepark, i go there atleast twice a week never gets old, cant wait till the new one comes up though. i got aim Runch619, niggaaaaa

This would be my baby Shelby rae (rad) adams <33 Layout made by blake

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