What does one do with a love of metal and electronic music that does not play an instrument do? Make the hardest, most metallic speedcore he can, of course. After DJing out in the Philly underground in the early '00s, there was just not enough of the harsh, fast, guitar-laden speedcore to keep his thirst for blood slaked, so he decided to bring his production muscle into the fold.
After a bit of trial-and-error he stumbled upon his formula for ultimate dancefloor
destruction. First, a track on Apocalypse Recordings out of NYC, the home of US speedcore, appeared. Next, Mascha Records in Switzerland picked up on the sound. An upcoming 12" slab of slaughter-inducing tunes will be brought forth on the world by Blastbeat Records, a label dedicated to bringing the hardest and heaviest of the speedcore scene to the bleeding ears of the masses.
Also, his remix work has been featured on releases from Forever I Burn , with a wide array of other groups lining up for future dismantlings.
RoryJ. is always available for Bar Mitzvahs and weddings. Book him for your next business meeting!