About Me
♥ THiS iS Me...
WuTs Up... I'm HEaThErLy.... <[u>please DON'T call me Heather]! I'm a true Georgia Peach ♥. I was born in West Palm Beach, FL... then on to Chattanooga, TN [that's where my southerness came from]. But I've spent most of my life in A-T-L ♥. Now I'm living in Virginia Beach. If you havn't noticed already, I'm in U.S. COAST GUARD! I LuV the military SO far. The OnLy downfall is I occasionally get homesick CuZ I MISS my family && friends back HoMe! Especially my best friend && (SiStEr) Dana && her daughter MaLLoRy : ) [i miss u guys so much!!] Any1 who knows me can tell you this -- you'll either L♥ve me or hate me! I'll either be the best friend that you could ever ask for... or the biggest BiTcH you'll ever meet! I used 2 NeVeR give up on People && now I rarely give 2nd ChAnCeS... ThiS iS me. TAKE IT OR LEAVE IT // So there iS some of the BaSiCs... if you don't already know more than that about me then I probably don't want you to! IF I DON'T KNOW YOU.. I DON'T CONSIDER YOU "MY FRIEND" SO DONT SEND ME A "FRIEND" REQUEST... if you do you are just wasting both of our PReCiOuS time because I am just going to deny you!! Now that I got that out of the way Much L♥ve! XoXo!
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