Get your layout at MySpace Layout Generator & Premade MySpace LayoutsWell hello there! My name is Homer J. Simpson. And in case you are wondering, that J stands for "Jay", which is my middle name! That's right, I'm Homer Jay Simpson! Bet you'd have never guessed that! I actually just found out what the "J" stood for a few years ago myself. Well any-who... I like to eat, sleep, and go to Moe's. That's about it. I'm married to my beautiful wife Marge, and we have two wonderful daughters, Lisa and Maggie. We also have a boy named Bart. I work as a Safety Inspector at the Springfield Nucleur Power Plant by day, and as a secret ninja assassin by night. Nah I'm just kidding, but wouldn't that rock? I'd be kind of like Chris Farley in that movie where he was a ninja. Well anyway, excuse me for cutting this short, but I have a very busy day of tv watching ahead of me. Adios! (And in case you're not sure, that's Japanese for "goodbye!" Hehe, bet you didn't know I was multi-lingual!)
Ahhhh... Moe's! My home away from home away from home!