..hello world,,this is linz..i-m not gonna talk about myself in the 3rd person cuz,,well,,i-m the one that-s writing this..i haven-t done a million shows or made a million songs as u might be able 2 tell from my musik..i don-t think i am nor care if u think i-m the greatest rapper alive or any bullshit like that..i just make musik cuz i luv musik so much..actually i don-t even like making it but i like the creative process and being able 2 hear the finished product..with me that doesn-t include silly shit like 'auto tune' or having 500 other people rapping with me on every song..i think musik is so fulla shit these days that i don-t even listen 2 the radio anymore..mine prolly really isn-t much better but i do have good intentions..i-m from texas and europe and i-m not ashamed 2 say so..i-m not from the hood but i can still show u what-s really hood if u wanna get cute wit me..i think my musik is different than most of the shit u hear these days and i consider that a good thang..i know i prolly lost most of ya-ll cuz i haven-t used the word 'swag' yet..so i will use the word in a sentence 2 make some of ya-ll happy..here goes....'I DON-T USE STUPID WORDS LIKE SWAG!!'..wuz that good enough??:-) i have a big mouth and i can be a smart ass but i-m really cool and i just wanna bring the world an alternative 2 the bullshit they are being presently pumped into their brains by the media..i made a song called 'linz4president' last year and i think it wuz the most important song of the year,,not cuz i made it,,but cuz i told people 2 think for themselves and don-t let the powers that be trick u..be careful as we are entering a very tough time in our world..think for yourself and get educated on what really happens in this world and who is making it happen..take care ya-ll and don-t forget the name linz.allen...