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I am here for Dating, Serious Relationships, Friends and Networking

About Me

I edited my profile with Thomas Myspace Editor V4.4!
Here is my political outlook... basically fiscal conservative social libratarian =op

You are a: Social Liberal
(75% permissive)
and an Economic Liberal
(36% permissive)
You are best described as a: Democrat
Link: The Politics Test
I don't know I could give a physical description I guess..... I'll do this part later. but for now I'll give you survey style Q&A!
Name: Ryan Thomas Renno
Nickname: Tall Ryan, Venti Ryan, Ry, Ryry, T-Rex, Big Head, Recycle Bin, Rising Sun, Ry-Dawg????
Age: 23
Birthday: May 19, 1984
Zodiac sign: Taurus
Location: Corona, CA
Hometown: Cerritos, CA
Sexual status: Gay
Relationship Status: dl/df
What age do you think you act: Sometimes older, most of the times younger =oP
School: RCC/UCR
Grade: 2nd year Jr. standing or something
Do you drive? Yes, with RAGE!
What kind of car? Honda Accord '03 I just paid it all off myself! WOOT!
Parents name? Tom & Susan
Any siblings? nope
Any pets? Nope, they have all since left for the great Petsmart in the sky....=o(
Eye color? Teddy bear Brown
Hair color? Black
Height? 1.9812 meters
Weight? 80 kilos
Tatoos/Piercings? Nope
Any bad habits? Talk alot
What kind of clothes do you wear? I wear clothes? Normally its a Disney costume or PJs
Where from? ...... Oh the clothes..... Stores.
Are you a virgin? Maybe.....?? Depends on the definition.....
If not.. how many guys? Only one sorta ... my ex of 9 months.
Whats the farthest you've ever gone with someone if you are a virgin? "A person who has not experienced sexual intercourse." Well there was about 1" penetration of me for about 2 secs. Then I told him to get the (*&@$ out cuz he's not allowed to shove like that. I penetrated 3x into him but there was no pleasure, no liberation of liquids, and he actually moved and bent it so that it made me cry. So ummmmm am I a virgin or not? I don't feel I've "experienced sexual intercourse" altho maybe its just my experience was bad. Someone should fix that for me LMAO! ;oD
Ever thought about having sex with the opposite sex? I tried it wasn't my thing....
Do you masturbate? Yeah (according to a study in Great Britain masturbation 2-3x a week reduces the risk of prostate cancer by upwards of 70% ~ I'm attempting to save those around me as well =oX)
Do you do drugs? Nope
Drink? Not normally, altho I did at Myle's birthday party.
Smoke? No, it's gross cancer sticks. BUT I STILL LOVE ALL MY FRIENDS WHO DO!
Do you find yourself attractive? Sometimes
If you could change one thing about your appearance, what would it be? Removal of some body hair and no more random acne
Chickens or Turkeys? Chicken!
Black or Pink? Black
Fat or Skinny? Skinny
Guy or Girl? Guy
Goth or Prep? Prep
Alive or Death? Death
Night or Day? Nite
Christmas or Halloween? Christmas
Are you loud or quiet? Both
Do you have a journal? Don't update it enough
5 words that describe you? Jello Pumpkin Tartar Dinosaur Butt!
Quote that could describe your life? "What a piece of work is man!" Yummmm!
If your life was a movie, what song would be the theme song for it? Defying Gravity ~ Wicked
Play any sports? Nope
Play any instruments? Blairinet
~LOVE~ (is this for me or the type of people I would like to love.....??)
Stereotype (goth, prep, punk, wigga, thug)? PreP?? I guess.....
Color eyes? Blue or Green
Color hair? Blonde
Age range? 18-25
Fat or Skinny? Skinny
Love or Lust? Love
Are you horny now? Yes
Smart or Dumb? Smart
Kinky or Traditional (sex)? Mix
Looks or Personality? Personality but I cannot be grossed out by them
Guy or Girl? Guy
Younger or Older? Eh
Have you ever tried killing yourself? No
Have you ever contemplated killing yourself? Yes
How (in what ways?) Oh well I just thought about it.... umm electrocution, driving my car into a wall, stabbing, jumping from some high place, running in front of a car, etc., etc., etc. It made me realize the only 'unnatural' way I want to die is execution style to the back of the head in my sleep, I'm too afraid of the pain!
Do you still do it? No
How long have you? huh?
Do people know? Yeah
Who? Friends & Family
Why do you try to hurt/kill yourself? The pain inside my brain exceeds all mental stability compensatory parameters and I short circuit =o/
Do you enjoy it? No
~HAVE YOU....~
Ever smoked/done drugs/gotten smashed? Ewwww No
Gone skinny dipping? Yes. We took pictures! HAHAHAHA
Ran around someones front lawn naked? No...
Ever asked someone out of the opposite sex? Yes
Maybe even the same sex? Always!
Ever even had sex before? Yes/No this was discussed before!
Had suicidal thoughts? Yes
Gone to a shrink? No
Wanted one of your friends to die? A little bit
Wanted to kiss one of your amazingly hot friends? Yes, Boys & Girls! (sometimes I even do it!)
Failed any classes? Nope but I almost did then I got a 3 on the AP test bitches!
Skipped school? Hellz yes!
Cried during a cheesy Disney movie? I think so
Thought you were going to marry someone famous? No, they will become famous by marrying me!
Kissed anyone? Yup
Did anything "sexual" with anyone? Uh Huh
Kept a secret? Yeah
Told a secret you were supposed to keep? Opps!
Do you have a boyfriend/girlfriend? No =o( Be mine!
Or are you dating? No..... none of them are worth my time =oX
Or are you just plan down right single? One is the loneliest number...
If so, do you like being single? NO!
What qualities do you look for in a guy/girl? ***This would be a small essay***
Favorite memory with a past/present boyfriend/girlfriend? Knowing that I have been loved.
Biggest dating mistake? Getting involved with half my ex's? LOL
Biggest dating regret? Lying to Patrick (I still miss him)
How far have you gone? Discussed before!
Have you had your heart broken? YUP! =*o(
Have you broken hearts? Think so
Have you cheated on someone? Nope
Do you believe in love at first sight? YUP
Do you even believe in love at all? Yeah
Worst ex? Tim turned into the worst by his actions I guess
Do you think love is in the cards for you? Noooooooo......
Color? Blue
Sport? Badminton!
Band? Marching
Saying? "Be nice to dragons for you are crunchy and go well with ketchup!"
Singer? Idina Menzel
Place to go on vacay? Europe!
Subject in school? Maths
Friend? All of them!
Store to shop at? American Eagle
Weather condition? Light Rain
Thing to do on the weekend? Fun
Drink? No
Alcoholic Drink? Hard Lemonade
Thing the opposite sex does? Have boobies
Holiday? Xmas
Country? Sweden
Turn-on? Tall Guys
Fetish? Macrophilia & Socked Feet/Legs (Podophilia)
Word to say? Mooo!
The ABC's of Ryan
A is for age: 21
B is for booze of choice: Adios MuthaFucka heh vodka is good and anything fruity sweet where i really don't taste the alcohol. I honestly don't drink often.
C is for career: Student / Bum / Future Engineer
D is for your dog's name: Was Rocket and Scooter
E is for 3 essential items you use everyday: Computer, Mobile Device, Water
F is for favorite song at the moment: too many... Something show-tuney I guess
G is for favorite games: Secret of Mana
H is for hometown: Cerritos, Ca
I is for instruments you play: Clarinet
J is for jam or jelly you like: Strawberry
K is for kids: Sure =oD
L is for last kiss: My babe the other nite
M is for mom's job: Escrow Officer (retired)
N is for name of your crush: Oh my crush WOULDN'T HE LIKE TO KNOW
O is for overnight hospital stays: Only as a visitor, never patient
P is for phobias: Failure, mean aliens, being alone and scrawny half-shappen body parts.
Q is for quotes you like: "What a piece of work is man! How noble in reason! How infinite in faculties! in form and moving, how express and admirable! In action how like an angel! in apprehension, how like a god! the beauty of the world! the paragon of animals!"
R is for relationship that lasted the longest: 1.5yrs Was it real I dunno?
S is for sexual preference: Guys
T is for time you wake up: 8 to 10 hrs after I go to bed preferably.
U is for underwear: Unless the pants are too tight, normally knit boxers
V is for vegetable you love: All save tomatoes as long as you consider a tomatoes one of them.
W is for worst habit: Procrastination
X is for x-rays you've had: Teeth
Y is for yummy food you make: Cookies and Brownies I suppose
Z is for zodiac sign: Taurus
He never gives up
Lets go of his dream
His world goes around for his one true belief
Is that how you know
Is that what it means?
Would he walk on water
Would he run through fire
Would he stand before you
Would he will be your anchor when the dark unfolds
Would he always love you the best that he knows?
Would he give his life up
To be all that he can
Is that, is that, is that how you measure a man?
You must understand that here you have found a person who truly looks at the world from a different perspective. I think of myself as brite and unique, and imagine the world as it will be or should be and feel somewhat personally responsible to bring the future about. I often feel so strongly about this that I can be almost revolutionary in thought and behavior. At times its is true that I can be much more comfortable in the realm of thought than that of emotion.
You must understand two things, that one should never ever validate their existence through the existence of another, and that when you realize that you have been loved you will never be alone. -- We are but the sum of our parts, and can be nothing more than that. However these parts are not mutually exclusive, and influence and interact with one another. Thusly despite never being able to be more than the sum of our parts in total, we are never instantaneously more than the expressed average or 'symphony' of those parts. -- When you meet someone they are unique, no one else in any other permutation of the universe could ever cause you to feel, hear, think, see, experience, touch, smell or became aware as they did. Whenever we interact with someone no matter how briefly these things happen, it forever influences your symphony of being; its direction. It has been said to me that a friend is someone who knows the song in your heart and can sing it back to you when you have forgotten the words; well if that is the case then a lover is someone who teaches you a whole new song. -- A lover is someone who knows you so well that they teach you a new way to express your parts, a new dimension of the symphony, a part of the orchestra up until now held silent. That is how you get the feeling of being more completed by them, together in tandem more is derived than would otherwise be obtainable on your own. Still all of that inherently comes from within you, as they showed it to you, you took it as only you would take it to be, used your past history and experiences and mindset to analyze and pick it apart, utilized it how you saw fit. You never ever forget this, another neuron within the brain rewired, a new state of being experienced, you always carry this with you, the good and the bad, as there is most assuredly both. Thusly all that the person is to you, is forever an integrated part of you........ not just in lost memories of love and fading emotion, but intrinsically expressed through the person you have become through interaction with them. With this understanding you have lost nothing when they take leave, you only feel empty due to the anticipation and desire of future interactions that will not happen with that specific person. The excitement and expectation of future encounters is what you are missing and the unavoidable discoveries about yourself that go with it. Sadly this may not be the future case with that one person........ there are however many many other people to show you new things about yourself, and you yourself are capable of that same discovery.
==Ryan's Contemplations of the Human Condition==
"Leave and let me go I will think of you I know, carry on, carry on you must stay strong. Someone else will keep you warm from now on, someone else will keep you safe from the storm, but I'll be with you where ever you go so you will never be alone. I'm going where the wind blows going where the lost ones go. . . . . I'm losing the love I found crying without a sound where have you gone, you were my fool for love sent here from high above you were the one. . . . . .Leave and let me go, don't look back just let me know, carry on, carry on, you must stay strong. Nothing ever looks the same in the light, nothing ever seems to quite turn out right, when you realize that you have been loved you will never be alone."
Never fool yourself into thinking you have lost anything, that is already a part of you.
"Be who you are, say what you feel because those who mind don't matter and those who matter don't mind." - Dr. Seuss -
You enjoy life. You know what fun is and people admire you for your natural flare. People either love you or hate you but you know what you want, and you couldn't care less. You're the Carefree Hip Styled type of Gay Guy.
What type of gay guy are You?
You're Element is Night. You're a bit of a loner
loner who is very creative but never show your
work to anyone. You may smile a little but
sadness or loneliness surround you and other
can feel it when they're near you. You have a
dark or unusual beauty that makes you
mysterious and you probably have a lot of
secrets that you've never told anyone. You're
beauty is intriging and unorthidox but the real
thing that makes you special is your eyes.
Something in them makes them like Diamonds in
the Rough.
What's Your Element?
I adopted a cute lil' pikachu fetus from Fetusmart!

My Interests

Click here to view a bigger version of the map!

.. src="http://personaldna.com/h/?k=uvcmLcbgZDFGDaV-GM-ADABA-6d 93&t=Advocating+Inventor" ..

Your Personality is Very Rare (INTP)
Your personality type is goofy, imaginative, relaxed, and brilliant.

Only about 4% of all people have your personality,
including 2% of all women and 6% of all men.
You are Introverted, Intuitive, Thinking, and Perceiving. How Rare Is Your Personality?

You Are 45% Feminine, 55% Masculine
You are in touch with both your feminine and masculine sides.
You're sensitive at the right times, but you don't let your emotions overwhelm you.
You're not a eunuch, just the best of both genders. Are You Masculine or Feminine?

The Keys to My Heart

You are attracted to those who are unbridled, untrammeled, and free. In love, you feel the most alive when your partner is patient and never willing to give up on you. You'd like to your lover to think you are loyal and faithful... that you'll never change. You would be forced to break up with someone who was insecure and in constant need of reassurance. Your ideal relationship is lasting. You want a relationship that looks to the future... one you can grow with. Your risk of cheating is zero. You care about society and morality. You would never break a commitment. You think of marriage pessimistically. You don't think happy marriages exist anymore. In this moment, you think of love as commitment. Love only works when both people are totally devoted. What Are The Keys To Your Heart?

"INTER ARMA ENIM SILENT LEGES; In time of war the law falls silent"

"The free world says that software is the embodiment of knowledge about technology, which needs to be free in the same way that mathematics is free. Everybody is allowed to know as much of it as they want, regardless of whether they can pay for it, and everybody can contribute and everybody can share."

What is the difference between a micro and monolithic kernel?
There are two main schools of thought on the issue of which type of kernel is best. The first group (to which Apple belongs) advocates a micro-kernel system. The second (to which Unix and Linux belong) favor monolithic-kernels. These differing approaches can be likened to two different kings in two different cities.

The first king is very reclusive and sits in a small castle with high walls and a few top advisors. The king tells the advisors what to do and they go outside of the small (but well defended) castle and issue orders to the knights, merchants and common-folk. The king never leaves his castle and since only his most trusted advisors are allowed in the king is very safe from attack. However, because each advisor has to pass through several guard points (with a full cavity search at each stop) it can sometimes take a little while before the kings orders can go out or news can come in.

The second king is much different. He doesnt really live in a castle so much as it is a large mansion with beautiful grounds. Strongly defended walls encompass the entire city instead of just the castle. This makes the king and the populace very secure from outside attacks. And since this king is very friendly he goes throughout his city meeting and talking with all of his subjects. Any command he, or his many trusted aides, give are instantly obeyed. This makes his city very efficient. However, should any enemy agents manage to penetrate the outer walls, then they can quite easily assassinate the beloved king. In which case order breaks down and the entire city riots.

"What a piece of work is man! How noble in reason! how infinite in faculties! in form and moving, how express and admirable! in action how like an angel! in apprehension, how like a god! the beauty of the world! the paragon of animals! And yet, to me, what is this quintessence of dust? Man delights not me; no, nor woman neither, though by your smiling you seem to say so."


With sensual Taurus, the Bull, as your star sign, the Sun shone through an earth sign on your birthday. The Sun in astrology stands for your inner nature, the stamp of your true character. The second sign of the Zodiac, Taurus is ruled by Venus, the planet of love and desire. A fixed (strong and solid) sign, Taurus governs practicality and security. It is a feminine sign and very magnetic.

Practical, reliable Taureans are great lovers of sensual pleasures, although you do tend to be rather stubborn, possessive and conservative. Firmly anchored in the material world, you have a fine grasp of what is needed in order to lead the good life. Of course, you are capable in emergencies, where you have an instinctive understanding of what to do, but under normal circumstances, no-one can force you into anything without due time for thought and consideration.

Tactile and Sensuous

Tactile and sensuous, you have a nose for personal comfort and physical pleasure. You are nevertheless quite pragmatic, with a good appreciation for the financial values as well as any aesthetic qualities. Taurus loves nature and natural things, but due to a fondness for comfort and ease, the Bull can be quite lazy. To preserve your health, you need to take some regular exercise and control that tendency to overindulge in rich foods and the other pleasures in life.

Taureans are very strong-willed and often quite creative. The Moon is exalted in Taurus, giving success with matters to do with the public and, combined with the influence of Venus, a passionate nature endowed with a strong sense of loyalty and fidelity. You are kind and generous with friends, with whom you develop an unspoken rapport.

Love of Music

Taurus rules the throat, giving a powerful, often beautiful voice. The influence of Venus opens up a world of musical talent and appreciation, so Taureans are good singers and musicians, or at least, love music and can be a force on the business side of music. You also like to potter around the garden, and delight in other outdoor activities: picnics, hikes, trips to botanical gardens or the zoo. You tend to be rather subdued, but you have a fine sense of humour, and enjoy your social life. Strong and Solid

Hunky Taurus is physically strong and solidly built. Many of you favour weight lifting or other body-building routines to keep in shape and you enjoy sports requiring strength and endurance. Health issues are often focused on problems to do with the throat and neck, or by polarity with the reproductive organs, the kidneys and so on. Taurus is naturally lazy and tends to overindulge, so a good approach to health and wellbeing would include a well-planned regime of disciplined exercise and diet.

Taurus colours are brown, russet, and turquoise. The beautiful emerald, a rare variety of the mineral beryl and as costly as a diamond, is your birthstone. The emerald's rich green color is quite appropriate too, since it is the color of money, lush countryside and relaxation. Geometrically, the emerald takes the shape of a six-sided crystal and six is the number of love. Flowers for Taurus are the red rose, daisy, lily, and daffodil.

Aquarius Rising

Aquarius Rising gives you a detached, intellectual outlook, combined with considerable mental poise. You stay cool under pressure and take sudden shocks or unexpected changes in your stride. An interest, not to say a fascination with the bizarre and unusual can lead you down some rather interesting pathways. Status, power, and wealth are of marginal value, for you are interested in people for their own sake, not the social trappings which accompany them. Friendships are easily made and not so easily broken, for your air of easygoing familiarity and pleasant demeanour is rather attractive.

Ruled by Uranus (lord of reversals and unexpected upheavals) and Saturn, lord of karma (purification and restriction), your personality can be changeable, yet deeply focused and quite original in approach. Most likely your life will undergo one or more dramatic changes of direction, often through some twist of fate or circumstances over which you have no control. Changes can occur suddenly and unexpectedly, for though Saturn's influence implies a calm and stable disposition, Uranus often reacts in quite unexpected ways.

Unpredictable and independent, you can be argumentative and love to play devil's advocate. You need your personal freedom, so when you marry or form partnerships you should choose your partners with care, since you are quite unable to put up with possessiveness and over-dependence. You enjoy physical and mental stimulation and, my dears, whilst you are keenly interested in the future and are fascinated by the past (especially the offbeat, little-known areas), you somehow lose track of what's going on in the present. Ahead of your time, others may perceive you as out of step with the rest of society.

Your strong physique and reserves of stamina, combined with your notorious stubbornness makes it difficult to break undesirable habits and behaviour patterns. Your independence is legendary and, of course, you do tend to be somewhat opinionated, especially in matters that have stimulated your interest in the offbeat. Others stand little chance of changing your ideas, for you must become convinced on your own account that such changes are necessary. You probably like science, sociology, music and design, while your pursuit of hidden things and unusual research can lead you to an interest in astrology and other arcane matters. You are good with money, which tends to come your way unexpectedly, yet appropriately to your lifestyle. You are subject to nervous conditions, problems with the lower legs, ankles and stiffness or inflexibility of the bones and joints.

I'd like to meet:

An angel...... like the one who found me....

Now I lay me down to sleep. I pray for a man who’s not a creep. One who’s handsome, smart, and strong. He’s not afraid to admit when he is wrong. One who thinks before he speaks. When he promises to call, he doesn’t wait 6 weeks.I pray that he is gainfully employed. Won’t lose his cool when he’s annoyed. Pulls out my chair and opens my door. Massages my back and begs to do more.Oh! send me a man who will make love to my mind. Knows what to say when I ask “How fat is my behind?”One who’ll make love till my body’s a’ itchin’. He brings ME a sandwich too, when he goes to the kitchen.I pray that this man will love me to no end. And would never compare me with my best friend.Thank You in advance and now I’ll just wait, For I know that You will send him before it’s too late.Amen.

Aw I don't even need that, I just want my candle on the water......

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Fluxious! To re-coin Newton’s word to describe the fluxions of 'calcuculous'..... I would have to say that my music is here there and everywhere. It's all gunna depend on which mood I am in, and what is available to me at the time to satisfy that mood. Prolly something depressing..... and/or something I can derive depression out of; even if its happy it brings back missed memories of a loved one, a happy moment long since passed, etc., etc., etc.

artist here next artist next artst etc.


Requiem For a Dream, Pi, Gattaca, Evita, Carebear Movies, Disney Movies, I'm sure there is lots more. That just came to mind first.


I got one, your point? o¤ As for what its tooned to? CARTOONS! Most anything on ToonDisney, CartoonNetwork, Nickelodian, The N, and all the other channels that might randomly have cartoons. Oh yeah then if there is no good toons on its gunna be one of the History, Learning, or Discovery Channels. YAY for good TV.


I don't like books I LOVE to read but I hate books. I'm an all-in-one-sitting kinda guy when it comes to reading. That means if I love it I want to read it all the way thru right then and there! How hard is it to find time in most anyone’s schedule to read a novel str8 thru? (maybe speed reading classes would help LoL) So I go more for the magazine articles! Cuz you can read them whenever whatever and then put it down go away from it but not have to recall all the stuff that was happening before cuz the articles are short.

So as for the things I'll read..... HAH I'm a geek =oB things like: Scientific American, Popular Mechanics, Popular Science, and the Sunday funny paper! Go Dilbert, Garfield, & Doonesbury!


My hero is this woman! God's Warrior!


My Blog

The brush of destiny!

So for all of you who don't know (yes we are all fine) I was in a car accident. Coming home from Disneyland yesterday-ish at about 12am 21 Oct 2007 we were headed east on Ball Rd and at the intersecti...
Posted by Ryan on Mon, 22 Oct 2007 12:09:00 PST

Europe Where I am and Why I am gone

I'll be in Europe sooooooo I wont be around till the 26th of this month I will miss you all. *hugs*PS If you want a post card i need your addy texted to my phone by tomorrow early morning. I WILL NOT ...
Posted by Ryan on Tue, 07 Aug 2007 03:23:00 PST

Fetishes: which one are yoU?

In the grand scheme everyone probably has a 'fetish' but then again where do you draw that line? If you can ONLY get off to that type of thing, or is it when it simply predominates your sexual life? W...
Posted by Ryan on Sun, 15 Jul 2007 02:20:00 PST

Think about it on multiple levels.........

HeyIf we cant find a way out of these problemsThen maybe we don't need thisStanding face to faceEnemies at war we build defensesAnd secret hiding placesI might need you to hold me tonightI might need ...
Posted by Ryan on Sun, 29 Apr 2007 07:14:00 PST


So Here is a post of some ramblingsMy dad: GAHHHHHHH!! Does anyone still wonder why I had school issues HAHA OMFG Sooooo I am back in school now whee! Striving hard to become the 4.0 perfect golden ch...
Posted by Ryan on Thu, 21 Sep 2006 12:19:00 PST

Micro aggressions

So I rethought something out: micro aggressions. Who knew sociology had something to offer? LoL Basically, micro aggressions are little, trivial in nature, things we do to other people for the wrong r...
Posted by Ryan on Wed, 06 Sep 2006 11:10:00 PST


So I had a revelation while reading my book Angels and Demons (the 'prequel' to the Da Vinci Code). It was this: without evil good cannot exist. Now of course that sounds simple enough, in fact you ha...
Posted by Ryan on Mon, 04 Sep 2006 09:48:00 PST


So I just spend time composing what i feel is a strong argument against some (whom I feel to be) ignorant person. AND FUCKIN YOU TUBE SAYS KEEP YOUR COMMENTS UNDER 500 words or some shit! Here is the ...
Posted by Ryan on Tue, 13 Jun 2006 02:52:00 PST

Term/Move and where the hell I've been!

So everyone I'm sure is lost with out my online pressence so this is whats up and where I have been. I got termed from disneyland Soooooooooo I'm not there anymore but thats good/okay. Then I'm moving...
Posted by Ryan on Sat, 14 Jan 2006 10:05:00 PST

The ABC's of me!

Posted by Ryan on Mon, 01 Jan 1900 12:00:00 PST