About Me
I made this myspace background atThe nature of the world is sensation. We drift in an ocean of sensory stimuli: motion, solar, texture, shape, heat, cold, natural symphonies of sound, and infinite number of scents, tastes beyond the human ability to catalogue. Nothing but sensation endures. Living things all die. Great cities do not last. Metal corrodes and stone crumble. Over eons, continents are reshaped, whole mountain ranges vanish, and seas run dry. The planet itself will be vaporized when the sun self-destructs. But even in the void of deep space, between solar systems, in that nevertheless light and darkened, cold, motion, shape, and the awful panorama of eternity. The sole purpose of existence is to open oneself to sensation and to satisfy all appetites as they arise. I know that there is no such thing as good or bad sensation-only raw sensation itself-and that every sensory experience is worthwhile. Negative and positive values are merely human interpretations of value-neutral stimuli and, therefore, are only as enduring-which is to say, as meaningless as human being themselves. I enjoy the bitterest taste as much as I relish the sweetness of a ripe peach. When i accidentally cut myself, I am never afraid, because I find pain fascinating and I welcome it as merely another form of pleasure. I am not sure if there is such a thing as the immortal soul, but i am unshakably certain that if souls exist, we are not born with them in the same way that we are born with eyes and ears. I believe that the soul, if real, accretes in the same manner as a coral reef grows from the deposit of countless millions of calcareous skeletons secreted by marine polyps. We build the reef of the soul, however not from dead polyps but from steadily accreted sensations though the course of a lifetime. I believe that if one wishes to have a formidable soul-or and soul at all-one must open oneself to every possible sensation, plunge into the bottomless ocean of sensory stimuli that is our world, and experience with no consideration of good or bad, right or wrong, with no fear but only fortitude. The greatest curse of humanity's high intelligence is that, in most members of the species, it leads to a yearning to be more than they are. All men and women are fundamentally nothing other than animals-smart animals-but animals nonetheless. As we evolved from whatever fish with legs first crawled out of the sea, and we as animals are motivated and formed solely by sensory stimuli. yet unable to admit to the primacy of physical sensation over intellect and emotion. We are even frightened by the animal consciousness within, its needs and hungers, and we attempt to restrict its sensation seeking by lies such as love, guilt, hate, courage, loyalty, and honor. -Dean Kuntz