As comes to mind......Life, God, People, The fact that 90% of people who visit my page will never read this, Truth, Education, Fellowship, Encounters, Learning, Love, Leadership, Knowledge, Desire, Vision, New, Old, Now, Music, Helping, Growing, Discipleship, Dicipline, Relationships, Walking With God, Snowboarding, Travel, Missions, Friends, Dance, Outdoors, Extremes, Dreams, Work, Building, Needs, Solving, Creating, Wisdom, Trust, Computers, Photography, Passion, Comedy, Freedom, Children, Word of God, Studying, Journaling, ...ect.
I like all kinds of music, sept people who are terrible at it and most METAL usually gives me pure joy inside.
Close to anything by Quentin Tarantino.. I know im that cliche...Thursday(BEST movie EVER and my southern Mumma Angie FOUND IT FOR ME on VHS!!! I LOVE YOU MOMMA ANGIE!!) Saveing Private Ryan, Braveheart and comedies are grrreat!!
The Bible, Questions of Life, and.. Good books when i have time to read other things....⊕Old and New⊕Differnt things inside that go boom....
Like a charge of nitrate makes the blood boil
In the swell of an oncomeing wave of emotion turned to passion
For a Love that is real
Something that is real, tangible
Never to be taken away
Never to be altered or blemished
Never to be let down.......
My heart express praise that my mouth could never form
Love resounds from me
Love i could not have found any other way
A tangible love for soemthing unseen yet right here
A Glimpse Of The Last Year
A rare beauty in the North
She's the finest lady on Earth.
A glance from her...the whole city falls.
A second glance....leaves the whole nation in ruins.
There exists no city or nation..
That has been more cherished..
Than a beauty like this.
-House of Flying Daggers
Jesus Christ and My Dad,