Randomness, fun, driving fast, road trips w/ KTB,reaking havoc u know the standard.... Seriously tho I like movies, MuSic, photography and the beach!!!!
How JERSEY are you?
Welcome home. You're SO Jersey. You know Wildwood and Seaside are the most disgusting places on earth, and only good for drunken after prom vacations, you know there's always a "short-cut" to someplace. Isn't Jersey great? I mean, where else can you go 80 MPH and STILL be the slowest car on the road?
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Batman aka Bruce Wayne.... j/k truly I would like to meet Audrey Hepburn she is my idol ... But in reality i would like to meet Anyone who is fun and loves life....
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Which country should you REALLY be living in?
G'day Mate! You're a yokker. A true Aussie. You love the beach and barbies, as well as sport and sex. Life couldn't get any simpler, and thats the way it should be. C'mon Aussie, C'mon!
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SOmething Corporate!!!
My PlayList
..jAcKs ManNeQuIn... and basically anything from classic rock to hip hop... I dont think i could live wihout music! RoCk: Bruce SpRiNgStEeN is the BOSS Bon Jovi Standard NJ classics
BREAKFAST AT TIFFANYS.. best movie ever ( Love the classic and elegant audrey Hepburn in all her movies), also Gladiator, Sandlot, Ever After, Man on Fire, Boondock Saints, Big fan of movies in general so its hard to name them all.....
I dont watch tv very often but when I can catch up I watch Greys Anatomy
White Oleander is one of my favorites ...