Harry Potter and USC football! Also animals, Alfred Hitchcock movies, labelling things, running, and singing in the shower. I like to eat meals strategically. For example, if there is corn or any other food that has distinct pieces on my plate, I will always finish that first. Mini-OCD? I think so. I also am very attracted to hapa girls. A good example is Cherie Roberts. Look her up.
Someone who I haven't met before. Some of these people include Michel Gondry, Steven Spielberg, Stephen Chow, Ang Lee, Marty Scorsese, Michael Bay, and Jerry Bruckheimer among others.
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I like music. Oddly, I've been on sort of an OST kick. I could honestly listen to the Pirates of the Caribbean OST for days on end.
Indiana Jones trilogy, Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless Mind, Pirates of the Caribbean, The Rock, Lord of the Rings trilogy, Star Wars original trilogy, Spider-Man 1 & 2, Friday Night Lights, North By Northwest, Vertigo, Rear Window, the 39 Steps, Eurotrip, Shaolin Soccer, Big Fish, Jackie Chan movies, Fight Club, Repulsion, The Royal Tenenbaums, The Bourne Ultimatum, Bringing Up Baby, No Country For Old Men, and many, many, many more.
Seinfeld, Family Guy, Futurama, South Park, The Office, Monk, Sportscenter, Arrested Development, Entourage, and the Amazing Race.
Harry Potter, Moneyball, Once a Runner, Running With the Buffalos, Shadow of the Wind, Tipping Point, Friday Night Lights, the Redwall series, Life At These Speeds, Shadow of the Wind, Monkey, The Education of a Coach
Spider-Man and Batman are pretty good superheroes.